Degree in Law at Santiago University (1962).
Technician of the Public Administration. Introduction to Public and Private Law Professor at the Complutense University (1974-76).
Deputy Manager of the Technical Cabinet with the Secretary's Office for Public Order, 1978.
Civil Governor in Zamora (1979-82).
Civil Governor in Biscay (1982).
Service Inspector of the Home Office (1984-93).
Head of relations between the Home Office and Courts. Director General of Interior Policy since 1996.
President of the National Committee against sports violence.
Secretary of the Interministerial Committee of Alienage.
President of the Interministerial Committee of Asylum.
He holds the following diplomas: Gestión de Asuntos relacionados con la CEE. Turno de Oficio y Asistencia al detenido, ICADE, 1987. Formación sobre Derecho Comunitario, Bruselas, 1990. Técnicas de Análisis de Organizaciones y Procedimientos, INAP, 1993. Administración por objetivos, INAP, 1993.
Since May 2009 he has been directing the 'Casa de Galicia' in Madrid.
He was nominated as honourable member of the 'Xuntanza de Galegos' celebrated in 2010 in Alcobendas (Madrid).
In November 2013, he was elected honourable president of the Galician Centre in Madrid.
Los Judíos en el Reino de Galicia. Ed. Nacional. Madrid, 1981.
Odoario el africano. Colonización de Galicia en el s. VIII. Ed. do Castro. A Coruña, 1988.
José Mª Díaz Sanjurjo. Un gallego en Vietnam. Diputación Provincial de Lugo, 1991.
El enigma de José An. Ed. do Castro, A Coruña, 1991.
Pasado, presente e futuro de A Pontenova. Ed. Bao, Lugo, 1988.
Perfil histórico, artístico y paisajístico del Concello de Pol, Lugo, 1988.
El promontorio de los claveles marinos. Novela, Madrid, 1999.
52 monographies about alienage, asylum and social themes in different publications.
He also collaborated in press.