Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández

Birth Date: 2nd december 1936
Birth Place: Ribeira (A Coruña)

Real Academia Galega

He took a degree in Canon Law at the Gregorian University of Rome (1963) and a doctor’s degree with the doctoral thesis titled A perpetuidade subxectiva do beneficio eclesiástico at the same university in 1965. Then, he took a degree and doctor’s degree in Philosophy and Arts (History section) at the University of Santiago de Compostela (minor thesis: La Ilustración en la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (1974) and doctoral thesis: El campesinado gallego en la Historia contemporánea)

His teaching activity was always linked to the University of Santiago de Compostela (he was vice-rector during the academic year 1985-1986). He began as assistant Professor of Contemporary History in 1974 and today is still Professor of Contemporary History in the Faculty of Geography and History. He was elected dean of this faculty (1985-1986)

He directed the Institute of Jacobean Studies and was secretary of P. Sarmiento Institute of Galician Studies for three years. He was on the first board of directors of Rosalía de Castro Patronage and has been a member of the Consello da Cultura Galega since it was founded. He is a member of the new foundation of the Seminary of Galician Studies, member of José Cornide Institute, member of the Royal Academy of History and member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Fine Arts and Noble Arts of Cordova. He has been a corresponding member of the Galician Academy since 1971 and full member since 14th February 1997. He read the entrance speech titled O liberalismo coruñés: a segunda xeración (1823-1846), which was replied by Xesús Alonso Montero in the name of the institution. He was the president of the Academy from 20th December 2001 to 22nd January 2010 and treasurer from 29th November 1997 to 29th November 2001.

 Work & Activities

The Galician political history was the subject of a lot of his lectures in Galicia and Portugal, Germany, France, Gijón, Belgrade, Oviedo, Madrid, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, etc.

He participated as a rapporteur in different conferences in and outside Galicia and directed the conferences on Jacobean Studies (1970), Rosalía de Castro (1985) and Otero Pedrayo (1988)

Desde 1965, año en que publicó su primer libro hasta la actualidad, un importante número de obras dan cuenta de su labor investigador. Entre sus contribuciones al campo jurídico destacan, entre outras, El origen litúrgico del Derecho Canónico o La estabilidad del beneficio.  His research works about the Galician contemporary history are collected in articles and books published both in Galician and Spanish: El carlismo gallego (1976), Historia Contemporánea de Galicia (1981; with this book he was awarded the Critics Prize in 1982), La imprenta en Galicia (1982), Historia de la imprenta en Galicia (1990) or the four volumes about the 19th and 20th centuries published within Proyecto Galicia - Ed. Hércules, Os deputados de Galicia. Biografía de deputados e senadores (1810-2001) (2001), Historia da Universidade de Santiago (2001)

He usually collaborates in different magazines and newspapers with a lot of articles about the Galician contemporary political history.

In recognition of his activity, he was awarded the Critics Prize (Research) in 1985 and 2000, Santiago Prize of TVG in 1987, Castelao Medal in 1991, the gold badge of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Prize of the Association of Librarians, among others.


Text taken from the web of the Galician Academy: www.realacademiagalega.org