Xosé María Pin Millares

Birth Place: Martín, Baleira (Lugo)


He studied at the Seminary of Lugo, at the Teaching School of Ourense and took a degree in Geography and History at the Open University.
He is a priest in Vilamor do Courel, Vilachá de Salvador and Sabadelle (Chantada) and worked as a teacher at the Agricultural Vocational Training School in Monforte and Chantada, as a teacher of Primary Education in Gernika and Valadares (Vigo) and as a teacher of Geography and History in a Secondary School in Vigo, where he retired.
When the University of Vigo started, he was nominated as director of the Service for Linguistic Standardization. During that period (sixteen years) he gave courses on Galician Language and Administrative Language and contributed to the writing of administrative documents in Galician.

 Work & Activities

-“A Igrexa Colexiata de Vigo”, Ed. Cardeñoso, 1994.
-He collaborated in “Dereito e Lingua”.
-“Xaime Isla, sineiro de fe e galeguidade”.
-“A Normalización Lingüística na Universidade: Estudo Sociolingüístico”.
-“¿Galego no ensino ou ensino en galego?”.
-“A campá como medio de comunicación”.
-“Biografía do xeneral da Ribeira, Pedro María Pin Fernández”.
-“O xeneral Escobar”.
-“Castelao é noso”, in the magazine of the Casa de Galicia in Valladolid.

 Other Interesting Aspects

-He participated in Badal Group for thirteen years, elaborating liturgical material in Galician language.
-Member of the Board for Linguistic Standardization in the City Council of Vigo, representing Penzol Foundation.
-Secretary of SEPT.