Xaime Mejuto García

Category: Marine Biologist
Birth Date: 28th May 1954
Birth Place: A Coruña
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He took a degree in Biology (Marine Biology) at Santiago de Compostela University in 1978. That same year, he started his research activity in A Coruña at the centre of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography thanks to several scholarships granted by the County Council of A Coruña and the Xunta de Galicia and several works of the research projects of the Spanish Institute of Oceonography. His research activity was based on themes related to marine populations that are being exploited, first on bivalve molluscs of Galician coast areas (cockle and clam) under the directions of Héctor Quiroga. In the late 70´s and the early 80's, he also collaborated in many works on the dynamics of bethonic communities of several Galician estuaries and projects of marine mammals of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. In the early 80's, he began to work in research projects focussed on fishing biology in oceanic pelagic species (tuna, swordfish and shark). All these species have a great economical and social interest for Galicia, where he carried out most of his research activities. During this period, he also stayed in the USA for short periods of time to complete his formation and collaborate in several laboratories. He published many works about the following species: white tuna, shark and swordfish. He has taken part as a scientist in many forums and working parties as well as scientific adviser of the Spanish Fishing Administration and the European Union in national and international fishing forums related to these species within the framework of the ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna). In the late 90's, he became the head of projects and coordinator of the programme of the Spanish Institute of Oceonography about oceanic pelagic species.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important publications: Contribución al estudio de la dinámica de la población de berberecho, Cerastoderma edule, en la Ría de Noia. Cuaderno da área de Ciencias Marinas, Seminario de Estudos Galegos, 1:453-467, 1984; Primeros datos sobre la dinámica de la población de Cerastoderma edule (L.) de la Ría do Pasaxe (NW de Galicia). Estrategias de explotación. Actas del IV Simposio Ibérico de Estudos do Benthos Marinho. Vol. 2: 83-102, 1984; Primeros datos sobre la dinámica de la población de Venerupis pullastra (Montagu) de la Ría do Pasaxe (NW de Galicia). Estrategias de explotación. Actas del IV Simposio Ibérico de Estudos do Benthos Marinho. Vol. 2: 67-81, 1984; Marcado de atúnblanco (Thunnus alalunga) en las costas de Galicia (NW de España), durante el verano de 1983. "Albacora 83". ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. Vol. XX: 283-285 (SCRS ICCAT, 83/68), 1984; Campaña de marcado 4.2. de atúnblanco, Thunnus alalunga, en el Cantábrico. "Albacora 84". ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. Vol. XXiii: 273-277 (SCRS ICCAT, 84/63), 1985; Associated catches of sharks, Prionace glauca, Isurus oxyrinchus, and Lamna nasus, with Nw and N Spanish swordfish fishery, in 1984. I.C.E.S., CM 1985/H:42; Brief note on swordfish tagging by the Spanish commercial fleet in the Atlantic (1984-1990). ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. Vol XXXV (2): 470-471. (SCRS ICCAT 90/41), 1991; Age specific stantardized indices of abundance for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Spanish longline fleet in the Atlantic, 1983-1991. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. Vol. XL(1): 375-392, 1993, etc.

 Other Interesting Aspects

From 1971 to 1979, he was one of the members of 'Verbas Xeitosas' (a Galician folk group) and composed music for several songs. He made tours with this group all over Galicia and several records: 'Verbas Xeitosas' (1977), 'Coa Fenestra Aberta' (1979)... He also collaborated with the group in several concerts live and participated in several records of the Galician singer-songwriter Suso Vaamonde ('Romance de Cego in Memoriam de Federico García Lorca' within the record 'Abolición contra la pena de muerte' and 'Soños na gaiola' (songs for children) with poems by Manuel María set to music by Suso Vaamonde, arranged by Xosé Carlos García and performed by 'Verbas Xeitosas' with Suso Vaamonde as a soloist.