Xosé Manuel Rivas Troitiño

Category: Journalist, writer and teacher
Birth Date: In 1949
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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He is a journalist, writer and Professor of Journalism at 'Complutense' University in Madrid. He took a degree in Philosophy and Arts and a doctor's degree in Information Sciences. From 1979 to 1985, he was a journalist of the EFE Agency in Galicia, where he created the sections 'Efemérides Gallegas' and 'Enquisa sobre o Galego' at the beginning of the Galician Autonomy. He has a series of fourteen interviews with García Sabell, Ramón Piñeiro, Antonio Fraguas, Xosé Ramón Barreiro, P. Cal and Carlos Baliñas, which were published in all the Galician newspapers.

 Work & Activities

Since 1985, he has worked in the central services of EFE Agency in Madrid, where he was correspondent of Interior. Nowadays he is the head of the section about North America and the Caribbean in the international editorial staff. BOOKS: -O gaiteiro de Soutelo. Una expresión de la cultura popular; A Coruña, 1977 (the City Council of Forcarei is about to reissue it). -Diego Antonio of Cernadas y Castro, un precursor del Galleguismo; Santiago of Compostela, Porto y Compañía, 1978. -Conversas con Xosé Luis Barreiro Rivas; Santiago de Compostela, SEPT, 1983. -Desinformación y Terrorismo: Análisis de las conversaciones entre el Gobierno y ETA en Argel (enero-abril 1989) en tres diarios de Madrid; Madrid, Publication Service of 'Complutense' University, Collection of Doctoral Thesis). -Prólogo a la Antología Poética de Maximino Castiñeiras; Santiago, 1982. ARTICLES: He published articles in the magazines 'Triunfo', 'Cuadernos para el Diálogo' and 'Informaciones' as well as in most Galician newspapers. He published the following articles about scientific matters: - "Información bajo sospecha. Mensaje y Medios", noviembre 1989. - "La verdad en el vive aquí. Mensaje y Medios", febrero 1990. - "Las fuentes de información sobre terrorismo. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico", 1994 - "Desinformación. Revisión de su significado. Del engaño a la falta de rigor. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico", 1995. - "Diego Antonio Zernadas, un periodista gallego en el siglo XVIII. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico", 1998. - "Géneros periodísticos en las agencias de prensa. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico", 1999. - "Los últimos días del periodismo romántico. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico", 2000. LECTURES: He gave lectures at 'Rice' University (Houston, USA) and the Athenaeum of Madrid.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He made a speech in the following festivities: 'I Fiesta de la Richada' (Forcarei, 1976), 'V Fiesta del Gaiteiro' (Soutelo de Montes, 1984) and 'Centenario del Gaiteiro' (Soutelo, 1999). For the year 2002, he expects the Galician Academy to dedicate the Day of the Galician Letters to Diego Antonio Cernadas, the Priest of Fruíme, in the third anniversary of his birth. He thinks that it is not fair to forget such an exceptional Galician man, forerunner of the doctrine of Galician Autonomy who defended Galicia and the Galicians when we had a horrible image in the 18th century and cultivated the Galician language and wrote important works, collected in seven volumes after his death.