Xosé Luis Veiras Manteiga

Category: Painter
Birth Date: 24th May 1949
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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He lived in France from 1974 to 2002 and is a member of the French group 'aaa53'.

 Work & Activities

He carried out exhibitions in France ( Ernee, Laval, Rennes, Nantes, Caen, Lemans, Chateaubriant, Cosse Le Vivien, Mayenne, Chateau Gontier, Allonnes, Sablé/Sarthe, Vitré, St. Barthetemy D'anjou, Aurille, Servon/Vilaine, Jublains, Bais, Lardë, Olivet, etc.), Spain (Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Noia, Pontevedra, Zamora, Segovia, Gandía, Aguilas, Jumilla, Lorca, Yecla, Murcia, Xabia, Bellreguard, Oliva, Xeresa, Villalonga, Albacete, Rotova, Almoines, Plasencia, Cartagena, Vigo, Portosín, Porto do Son, etc.), Poland (Glucholay, Opole, Pazkow and Nysie) and Holland (Deventer). These are some of his most important works: five paintings at St Pierre-Lacour parish church (France, 1986), mural painting at St Pierre-Lacour 'Centre d'Accueil' (France, 1986) and mural painting with 'Art Vif' group at 'Sociedad Liceo' (Noia, España, 1987). He also made illustrations for the following books: Espagnol "Sistema basico" by E. Fernández, English for infants by Craig Harris, Os touros de Noia by Manoel Fabeiro, Os días con Lara by M. A. Olariaza, 'L'oribus' no. 41, drawings and litographs Los olvidados, A Morte de ITH (comic published by the County Council of A Coruña in 1999) and Fuxidos (comic for 'Ni Vu ni con nu' (France). Some of his works can be found in public and private collections in Germany, France, Spain and Holland.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got 'Grand Prix' Prize at Chateau-Gontier Gallery (France, 1986), 'Grand Prix' Prize at Ernee Gallery (France, 1987) and 'Grand Prix' Prize at Vitre-Salon Sable in 1988.