He took a degree (1999) and a doctor’s degree (2005) in Humanities at the University of A Coruña.
His doctoral thesis (“Formas y rituales de banquete en la Hispania indoeuropea”) was directed by Víctor Alonso and Ricardo Olmos.
He was postdoctoral researcher at the Archeaology Department of the University of Durham (2006-2008). Since August 2008 he has been developing his research lines about metalurgy, material culture and protohistoric archaeology in the CSIC. He is postdoctoral researcher of the ‘Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio’ (Incipit).
He is the main researcher of Do obradoiro ó corpo: o metal como expresión de poder na protohistoria do Noroeste peninsular (2010-2012, Programme for Research Promotion, Xunta de Galicia) and codirects the research programme El Calvari del Molar y el área minero-metalúrgica Molar-Bellmunt-Falset en la protohistoria (2001-2011, Generalitat de Catalunya) as well as the excavations at Calvari del Molar site (Priorat, Tarragona).
He has also participated in other projects: Plata prerromana en Cataluña, Archives of European Archaeology (AREA), El factor minero en el desarrollo histórico de Cataluña meridional: de la Prehistoria a época medieval and Programa de investigación en tecnologías para la conservación y revalorización del Patrimonio Cultural.
He is the secretary of Traballos de Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio (TAPA) and member of the editorial committees of Cadernos de Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio (CAPA) and Revista d´Arqueologia de Ponent y Anaina.
He has also coorganized conferences and scientific meetings such as Western Europe in the First Millennium BC: Crossing the divide (2007) and Patrimonio histórico-cultural da Serra da Capelada: investigación e posta en valor (2008).
He published over 80 articles, chapters and reviews about heritage and archaeology. He is scientific coeditor of Contacto cultural entre el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico (siglos XII-VIII ane). La precolonización a debate (EEHAR-CSIC, 2008) and Atlantic Europe in the first millennium BC: Crossing the divide (Oxford University Press, 2011).