He has been keen on drawing and painting since he was a child. He carried out his first individual painting exhibition in A Coruña (1977), going on with many others in different Galician and Spanish cities as well as in Plastic Art biennials and contests. From 1980 onwards, he combines painting with graphic design and illustration both in books and newspapers. In 1988, he began to focus his activity as an illustrator in the field of books for children and youth. He has illustrated many of the most important Spanish authors such as Juan Farias, Xabier P. Docampo, Fina Casalderrey (these three were awarded the Children’s Literature National Prize), Antonio García Teijeiro, Antonio Torrado, etc. His works were published in several publishing houses such as Grupo Anaya, Everest, Galaxia, Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Magisterio-Casals, Edelvives, Alfaguara-Santillana, etc. He has illustrated about eighty books.
Many magazines specialized in children’s literature dedicated him monographs: ‘CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil)’, ‘Peonza’ and ‘Fadamorgana’. Together with Xabier P. Docampo, he also collaborated in ‘Golfiño’. He was also awarded Lecturas Prize (2003), F.E.T.E.N. Prize for the best juvenile play illustrated in Spain (2002) and Gourmand World Cookbook Awards (2004) to the best gastronomic book written in Spanish.
As an illustrator of children’s literature, he was invited to participate in the following exhibitions: ‘Galicia Solidariedade’ (GALIX - Xunta de Galicia), itinerant, ‘As Cores do vento’, Xunta de Galicia, itinerant all around several Galician cities, ‘Tercer Centenario de Caperucita Roja’, OEPLI (Madrid), itinerant in Spain, ‘El ratoncito Pérez’, OEPLI (Madrid), itinerant in Spain, ‘Salón do Cómic da Coruña’ (2002), ‘Feira Internacional do Libro Infantil e Xuvenil de Bolonia’ (2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004), ‘Bienal Internacional de Bratislava’ (2003), invited by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and ‘Exposición de ilustración infantil española contemporánea’, in Bolzano, Rome, Naples and Cagliari (2004/05).
Since 1991 up to date, he has worked as a graphic designer in the County Council of A Coruña.
Selection of children’s books he has illustrated:
- ‘A nena de auga e o príncipe de lume’. Xabier P. Docampo. Xerais, 1989 and 1992. Merlín Collection.
- ‘O país durminte’. Xabier P. Docampo. Xerais, 1992. Merlín Collection.
- ‘Fantasía en re maior’. Antonio Teijeiro. Edelvives, 1994. Ala Delta Collection.
- ‘Adelaida, Henrique e demais familia’. Xabier Docampo. Galaxia, 1996. Árbore Collection.
- ‘Cuando por la noche llaman a la puerta’. Xabier P. Docampo. Anaya, 1996 (Children’s Literature National Prize, 1995).
- ‘O pazo baleiro’. Xabier P. Docampo. Anaya, 1997.
- ‘O home que inventou unha maneira de andar’. Xabier P. Docampo. Galaxia, 1998.
- ‘La posada del séptimo día’. Juan Farias. Everest, 1998.
- ‘Caderno de fume’. Antonio García Teijeiro. Anaya, 1999.
- ‘Andrea quere ser maior’. Pepe Carballude. Everest, 1999.
- ‘Ismael que fue marinero’. Juan Farias. Everest, 1999.
- ‘Teatro ás tres pancadas’. Antonio Torrado. Xerais, 1999.
- ‘ Nube de neve’. Xabier P. Docampo. Everest, 2000.
- ‘Unha pantasma branca’. Fina Casalderrey. Everest, 2000.
- ‘Un circo de nubes’. Xoán Babarro. Everest, 2000.
- ‘Víchela, víchela?’. Xabier P. Docampo. Magisterio-Casals, 2001.
- Amar e outros verbos. Ana María Fernández. Everest, 2001 (Lazarillo Prize, 2001).
- ‘A merla de trapo’. Antón Cortizas. Xerais, 2001 (Merlín Prize, 2001).
- ‘Un conto de tres noites’. Xabier P. Docampo. Xerais, 2002.
- ‘Os peixes de cores’. Antonio García Teijeiro. Xerais, 2002.
- ‘Onde van as bolboretas no inverno?’. Gloria Sánchez. Everest, 2002.
- ‘A casa da luz’. Xabier P. Docampo. Anaya, 2002.
- ‘Paseniño, paseniño’. Antonio García Teijeiro. Everest, 2003.
- ‘O galo avisado e o raposo trampulleiro’. Antonio Reigosa. Xerais de Galicia, 2003.
- ‘Bolboretas’. Xabier P. Docampo. Everest, 2004.
- ‘O país de amarnos’. Ana María Fernández. Everest, 2004.
- ‘Contos de máscaras, rúas, perdicións e caníbales’. Several authors. Xunta de Galicia, 2004.
- ‘Don Quijote de la Mancha’. Version and adaptation by Carlos Álvarez-Nóvoa. Everest, 2005.
- ‘A bruxiña da sorte’. Concha Blanco. Alfaguara-Obradoiro, 2005.
Selection of books for adults he has illustrated:
- ‘La cocina práctica’. Picadillo. Everest, 2001.
- ‘De sabores y de amores’. Manuel Julbe. Everest, 2004.
- ‘Cuentos populares españoles de Almodóvar’ (Coillustrator) Anaya, 2002.
He has also illustrated textbooks for several publishing houses (Anaya, Xerais, Magisterio-Casals, Everest, Santillana, etc.) as well as poetry books and plays for adults.