Business agent, estate agent and tax accountant.
-Administrator of Núñez Torrón Asesores, S.L.
-Foundation member and vice-president of the board of directors of Afianzamientos de Galicia S.G.R. (AFIGAL).
-President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Lugo.
-Member of the executive committee of the Consello Galego de Cámaras.
-President of Lugo Campus University Foundation.
-President of Fairs and Exhibitions Foundation (Lugo).
-Member of the Open University Patronage (Lugo).
-Provincial delegate of the Association of Galician Business Agents (Lugo).
-President of the Association of Estate Agents of Lugo.
-President of Club Fluvial de Lugo (sports and cultural centre).
-President of Peña Anda (charitable association for the old people).