Xosé Carballude Blanco

Pseudonym: Pepe Carballude
Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: 15th August 1956
Birth Place: Rubín - A Estrada (Pontevedra)

He took a degree in Classic Philology at Santiago de Compostela University. Now, he teaches Latin at 'Xosé Neira Vilas' Secondary School in Perillo-Oleiros (A Coruña).

 Work & Activities

He did the following translations: A Galicia Románica, Bango, Torviso, Galaxia, Vigo; Conta ben que son des, María Aurela Capmany, 'Argos Vergara' Publications, Barcelona; Fábulas, Fedro in collaboration with Xosé Mª Liñeira Reboredo and Rosa Mª García Vilariño, published by the 'Consellería da Presidencia' (Xunta de Galicia); Clásicos en Galego, nº 2 and Sobre a Vellez and Sobre a Amizade¸ Cicerón in collaboration with Xosé Mª Liñeira Reboredo, Xunta de Galicia, 'Galaxia' Publications; Clásicos en Galego nº 14. He collaborated in several magazines with the following articles: 'Un rasgo de Humanidade de Eneas' (Novas tiradas do libro V da Eneida), 'Grial' Magazine, no. 99, Vigo and 'Un esquema para a análise visual do Latín", 'Trevo' Magazine, no. 5, Ourense. He wrote the following books for children and young people: Os Gazafellos (1986), Andainas de Pedro Chosco, Investigación 091, Investigació 091, O Talismán dos Druídas, O Xílgaro Pintor, Os Enredos de Olalla, La vida diaria de los romanos, A vida diaria dos romanos (in Portuguese), A Fraga Misteriosa (1985), O deus desaparecido (1990), A historia do home-can, S.O.S., Romaxe de desventuras, Romería de desventuras, Maldito DNI, Andrea quere ser maior and Mimos e máis mimos.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is member of the Association of Books for Children and Young People and the Association of Writers in Galician Language. He got 'San Martiño' Prize in A Estrada, "Barco de Vapor" third prize in 1986 and the first one in 1990.