Xoán A. Neira López

Pseudonym: Xoán Neira
Category: Poet
Birth Date: 4th February 1953
Birth Place: Meilán (Lugo)


He works as a teacher in Viveiro, where he has been living since 1982. He is a foundation member of the 'Seminario de Estudos Terra de Viveiro', where he collaborates with individual and collective publications in addition to other cultural activities.

He was awarded the following poetry prizes: 'Meigas e Trasgos' (Sarria, 1994), 'Concello de Vilalba' (1995, 1996 and 2002), 'Rosalía de Castro' (Barcelona, 1995) and the journalism ones: 'Reimóndez Portela' (A Estrada) and 'Begonte e o Nadal', also on three occasions.

He ususally collaborates in El Progreso - A Mariña.

 Work & Activities

He published the following poetry books: 'Memoria e soño' (1996), 'Nas varandas do abrente' (2000), 'Ás catro augas' (Manuel María Foundation, 2004) and 'Linguaxes', in collaboration with Otero Regal (2005).

Regarding children's poetry, he wrote 'Recreos', in collaboration with Manuel Rodríguez (Baía Edicións, 1997), 'Xiz de cor' (Baía Edicións, 2004) and 'Farrapos de nube' (Baía Edicións, 2007) and the story 'Coñece Celeiro, porto punteiro', in collaboration with Vicente Míguez.

Some of his poems also appear in the following magazines: 'Guieiros', 'Lúa Nova', 'Saudade', 'Anto', 'A Xanela', 'Xistral', in the collective books: 'Alba de Beiramar' and 'Poetas en Lugo' and in the newspapers: 'Heraldo de Vivero' and 'O Correo Galego'.