Xesús Rodríguez López

Category: Doctor and writer
Birth Date: 28th July 1859 (†24th March 1917)
Birth Place: Lugo

He studied Medicine in Santiago, finishing his career in June 1881. He collaborated as a town councillor in the party of Quiroga Ballesteros. As a doctor, he was interested in the discovery of prophylactic products for treating wounds and the actions of public health before the epidemics.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important essays: Las preocupaciones en Medicina. Conocimientos útiles a la familia. Reglas para conservar la salud, para no dejarse engañar por los curanderos y para conocer a los médicos (1896), Estudio psicológico de la mujer lucense (1897), Defensa de las feas. Estudio social (1898) and Ligeros apuntes sobre las supersticiones de Galicia (1910). From the literary point of view, these are his most important works: Cousas de mulleres (1890), Paxareiras (1898), Gallegadas, con alegrías de la tierra, the theatre plays O chufón, El socialista and O zorro and the long novel A cruz de salgueiro.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was a member of the Galician Academy.