He studied Romance Philology in Santiago deCompostela and today he teaches Language and Literature in A Coruña. Since 1975, he has developing his activity in the fields of the literary creation, art and culture, both in newspapers and magazines, as lecturer. During the 70's and the 80's, he participated in the activities of 'A Carón' and 'Galga' Groups. He has collaborated in several magazines and newspapers such as 'Teima', Man Común', 'Grial', 'Nordés', 'Agalia', 'Luzes de Galiza', Gran Enciclopedia Gallega (Galician Encyclopaedia, A Nosa Terra, La Voz de Galicia, El Ideal Gallego and El Correo Gallego.
In collaboration with Raúl Reguera, he published the book Poesía experimental (1978). Os bosques encendidos (1981) was his first poetry book. Then, he published A caluga do paxaro (1979), Presencias (1985), Iniciación e regreso (1985, with this book he had got 'Cidade da Coruña' prize in 1982), O Canto da Terra (1987), Regreso e Advenimento (1990), Eu tamén oín as voces do orvallo (1994) and Umbral de Vida (1996; 'Esquío' Poetry Prize). In collaboration with Manuel Rivas, he published the poetry book Anisia e outras sombras (1981). He collaborated in the poetric anthologies De Amor e Desamor I (1984) and De Amor e Desamor II (1985). He published a book of reflections and aphorisms titled Arca cotidiana / Irispaxaros (1984). The engraver Manuel Facal published a series of illustrations in a book titled As quatro estacións with poems by Seoane and the book Irispaxaros with aphorisms of the writer. He is one of the founders of the magazine 'Luzes de Galiza' and has worked in the video-film projects 'O pintor Luís Seoane', 'Luís Seoane, escritor' and 'Arquitectura galega actual'. He has participated in the organisation of exhibitions related to art ('Leopoldo Nóvoa', 'Mundos', 'Figuraciós', 'Isaac Díaz Pardo', 'O cómic galego', 'Luís Seoane e o libro galego na Arxentina', 'Urbe, Natura, Cosmos') and collaborated with texts about art in catalogues of exhibitions and collective books. He has recently coordinated the lecture book A cultura e a creatividade galegas cara ó ano 2000. In 1989, he published, together with Lino Braxe, the anthology of radio texts by Luís Seoane, Galicia Emigrante. Together with Lino Braxe, he also published a volume with collaborations of Álvaro Cunqueiro on the radio titled A máxia da palabra (1991) and the books Luís Seoane e o cine (1994), Luís Seoane e o teatro (1996) and Luís Seoane: Textos sobre arte (1997). His book Identidade e convulsión: Palabra e imaxe da nova arte galega came out in 1990 and Reto ou rendición, análise dos presupostos teóricos e creativos da arte galega contemporánea in 1994. He has recently published the essay A voz dun tempo. Luís Seoane: o criador total (1994) and together with Antón Patiño published the manifesto Hai suficiente infinito (1999). He has carried out exhibitions of visual and experimental poetry in A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and other Spanish cities and participated in samples of mail art. He was selected in several antohologies of current Galician poetry such as Escolma da poesía galega, 1976-1984 (Sotelo Blanco, 1984), Desde a palabra, doce voces (Sotelo Blanco, 1986), Antoloxía da poesía galega erótica e amatoria (O Castro, 1988), Poesía Gallega de Hoy (Visor, 1990), Fin de un milenio (Libertarias, 1991), 50 anos de poesía galega (Penta, 1994), Poesía gallega actual (Litoral, 1996) and Escolma de poesía galega ('Campinas' University, Brazil, 1996).