Xaquín Lorenzo Fernández

Pseudonym: Xocas
Category: Ethnographer
Birth Date: 23rd June 1907 (†19th July 1989)
Birth Place: Ourense

He studied Primary and Secondary Education in Ourense, where Otero Pedrayo worked as teacher. Then he studied Arts (History Section), first in Santiago, then in Zaragoza. He joined the Group Nós with Risco, Florentino Cuevillas and Otero Pedrayo, collaborating in the magazine Nós, which was directed by Vicente Risco. He became a member of the Seminary of Galician Studies, the Galician Academy and president of the foundation 'Museo do Pobo Galego'.

 Work & Activities

Xaquín Lorenzo was mainly interested in ethnography and Galician folklore. He went all over Galicia taking information for his book Etnografía. Cultura material, which is the 11th volume of the work Historia de Galicia, directed by Otero Pedrayo. Together with Florentino Cuevillas he published the book Vila de Calvos de Randín in 1930. He also published other works such as Lápidas sepulcrales gallegas de arte popular, La Capilla y el Santuario del Santísimo Cristo de la Catedral de Ourense, Nosa Señora do Viso, La casa gallega, Cerámicas castrexas pintadas, Las habitaciones de los castros, O pastoreo na serra de Leboeiro, La capilla visigótica de Amiadoso, Deidades marianas en el Ourense romano, Vellas artes de pesca no río Miño, A casa, Distribucións dos xugos na Galiza, Metamorfosis dunha casa castrexa, La iglesia prerrománica de Santa María de Mixós, Cantigueiro popular da Limia Baixa, Sobre algunos saludos en gallego...