Tomás Barros Pardo

Category: Painter and writer
Birth Date: 3rd February 1922 (†1986)
Birth Place: Toledo

Although he was born in Toledo, his parents were Galician and when he was seven he came back with his family to Ferrol, where he studied Secondary Education and Teaching. Some years later, he took a degree in Fine Arts at 'San Fernando' School and worked as a Drawing teacher at the Teaching School in A Coruña.

 Work & Activities

As far as his literary activity is concerned, these are some of his most important works: POETRY: Gárgolas (1950), El helecho en el tejado (1957), La estrella y el cocodrilo (1960), Los ojos de la colina (1963), Berro diante da morte (1964) and A imagen y semejanza (1974). THEATRE: Panteón familiar (1957), O dragón (1972), etc. ESSAY: Los procesos abstractivos del arte contemporáneo (1965), La imagen especial en la poesía de Luz Pozo (1974) and Sobre el origen de la corteza en los astros y la orografía lunar (1973). He collaborated in the poetry magazines 'Caracola', 'Ágora' and 'Vida gallega' as well as in several newspapers. He also founded the magazines 'Aturuxo' and 'Nordés' (together with Luz Pozo). As a painter, he carried out many individual and collective exhibitions in both Spain and abroad. The exhibition he carried out at Ansdell Gallery in London was one of the most important ones. These are some of his most important works as a painter: El aparecido, El testigo, Prometeo y Quijote, La lareira, Jugadores de cartas, Carrera de caballos, Marea baja, Castrillón con vaso, Fusilamiento, etc.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In 1952, he was awarded the first prize at the exhibition organised by the City Council of Ferrol (A Coruña).