Marina Mayoral

Category: Writer
Birth Date: September 1942
Birth Place: Mondoñedo (Lugo)

She is a Professor at Complutense University in Madrid. She has many publications about Spanish prose and poetry in the 19th and 20th centuries.

 Work & Activities

Novels: Cándida, otra vez, Castalia Publications, vol. Biblioteca de Escritoras, Madrid, 1992. Al otro lado, ?Novelas y Cuentos? Prize, 1980, Magisterio español Publications, Madrid, 1980. La única libertad, Cátedra Publications, Madrid, 1982. Contra muerte y amor, Cátedra Publications, Madrid, 1985. Unha árbore, un adeus, Galaxia Publications, Vigo, 1988. It was translated into Spanish: Un árbol, un adiós, Acento Publications, Madrid, 1996. O reloxio da torre, Galaxia Publications, Vigo, 1988. It was translated into Spanish: El reloj de la torre, Mondadori Publications, Madrid, 1991. Chamábase Luis, ?Losada Diéguez? Prize 1989, Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1989. It was translated into Spanish and Catalan: Se llamaba Luis, Grijalbo Publications, Barcelona, 1995, Círculo de lectores, 1997. Tristes armas, Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1994; Recóndita armonía, Alfaguara, Madrid, 1994. Dar la vida y el alma, Alfaguara, Madrid, 1996. La sombra del ángel, Alfaguara, Madrid, February 2000. Short Stories: Morir en sus brazos, Aguaclara, Alicante, 1989. Recuerda, cuerpo, Alfaguara, Madrid, 1998. Querida amiga, Galaxia Publications, Vigo, 1995, ?Losada Diéguez? Prize, 1996.

 Other Interesting Aspects

She got the following prizes: - 'Ámbito literario' (novel) in 1979. - 'Novelas y cuentos' (novel) in 1980. - 'Hucha do oro' (tales) in 1982. - 'Ramón Sijé' (short novel) in 1979. - 'Losada Diéguez' (published novels) in 1989 and 1996. - 'Fernández Latorre' (journalism) in 1992.