Santiago Rodríguez López

Category: Senior Lecturer
Birth Date: 2nd June 1971 († 19th march 2024)



His parents were Galician emigrants (the writer Manuel Oreste Rodríguez López and Irene López Gómez). He lived in Barcelona until he was fourteen years old, when he moved to Lugo. He married Mary Carmen Otero Rolle and both have a child (Carlos). The familly lived in Santiago de Compostela since 1997 until 2002, when they moved to the United Kingdom, first to Southampton and later (in 2006) to Bristol, where they currently live.

He took a degree in Biology (with Special Distinction) in 1994, a MSc in 1995 and a PhD degree in Genetics in 1999 (both with maximum qualification), all at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He worked as postdoctoral fellow, initially in the Departament of Genetics at the University of Santiago de Compostela and later in the Human Genetics Division (Southampton University) as a ‘Marie Curie’ Fellow of the European Community. In Novembre 2006 he was appointed as a Lecturer in Population Genetics and Molecular Genetics in the Population Health Sciences departament of Bristol Medical School of Bristol University, being promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2011.



He is currently leading a research group in the Bristol Medical School. His main interest is the study of the influence that genetic factors have on complex risk traits for common human diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. His research lines include evolutionary, epidemiological, epigenetic and functional studies. More specifically, his research is mainly centered around genetic analyses of complex loci such as mitocondrial DNA copy number, nuclear CNVs and non-recombining haplogroups in association studies, Population Genetics and causal analyses using Mendelian Randomization. Previous reseach conducted by Santiago Rodriguez includes cytogenetic studies, linkage disequilibrium analyses, development of novel metholologies for dinucletide repeat typing, analyses of human chromosome Y in relation to cardiovascular risk traits and genetic analyses of human genomic regions IGF2-INS-TH and ACE-GH in relation to cardiovascular and cardiometabolic risk traits. He is member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Genes”, reviewer of research proposals for a number of funder bodies and reviewer of research articles for more than twenty international scientific journals.



From 1996 to 2002 he was involved in teaching activities in the Department of Genetics (Santiago de Compostela University). He was appointed as temporary lecturer at Santiago de Compostela University in 2001.

In his role as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer from the University of Bristol, he lectures Genetic Epidemiology, Evidence Based Medicine and COMP1 (Community Oriented Medical Practice 1), to undergraduates studying Medicine at Bristol University. He is also supervisor and mentor of around twelve Medical students each academic year.

He lectures Genetics to students undertaking the Genomic Medicine intercalation degree in Bristol, being one of the Unit Leads of this iBSc.

He lectures Genetics to postgraduate students and postdocs undertaking an international short course on Genetic Epidemiology.

Hi is Academic Lead of the Student Choice component of the Medical curriculum. He is the main responsible for the management of this component. The Student Choice component spans the first three years of the Medical degree and involves 750 students per academic year

PhD Supervisor. To date, Santiago Rodriguez has supervised six PhD students (they completed their vivas from 2013 to 2019).

 Work & Activities


Masters thesis (1995): “Caracterización citogenética de un inusual polimorfismo de número y localización de las regiones organizadoras del nucleolo (NOR) en poblaciones gallegas de trucha común (Salmo trutta L.)”.

PhD (1999): “Caracterización del desequilibrio gamético entre loci microsatélites de la región telomérica del cromosoma 11p humano”.

Until 2019, Santiago Rodriguez published more than 70 scientific papers on Genetics in internationally recognised scientific journals.

Until 2019, he contributed to more than sixty national and international conferences on Genetics held in the USA, United Kingdom, China, India, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Finland, Japan and Spain.

Author of the book “Genetic endocrinology of the metabolic syndrome” and author of book chapters in two other books on Genetic Epidemiology.

Co-author of an international patent.

He gave several talks in the United Kingdom, Germany, China, India and Spain.



Author of three books published in the “Biblioteca Virtual de GaliciaDigital”:

“En torno á parábola das cereixas de Xulio Xiz” (2018)

“Poemas Populares Galegos. Edición especial 50 aniversario 1968-2018” (2018)

“A Paradela de Manuel Rodríguez López” (2019)


Contribution to multi-authored books:

“Xesús Mato: 75 anos de vida, 50 anos de crego e 25 de exercicio na montaña lucense”, published in the book “Mato sono ío” (2009)

“A palabra, espertador de espíritos”, published in the book “Cerna de Carballo” (2015)

“Conversando de novo co meu pai na vosa presencia”, published in the book “Manuel Rodríguez López, 25 anos despois” (2018)

“Xosé Manuel Carballo: temos un anxo máis no noso ceo” and “Xosé Manuel Carballo e Manuel Rodríguez López conversan xa por sempre no ceo dos galegos”, published in the book “Xosé Manuel Carballo, sempre na nosa memoria” (2018)


Other published contributions:

“En memoria do meu pai”, published in the book “Festas Patronais de Paradela” (1991)

“Paradela facilita que a semente do meu pai xermole no meu fillo”, foreword of the book “V Certame literario del Ayuntamiento de Paradela” (2000)

“O tempo ten a palabra”, foreword of the book “X Certame literario do Ayuntamiento de Paradela” (2005)

Foreword of the poetry book “Luces en la arena” (2012) written by Mary C. Otero Rolle

Selection of poems included in the “Antoloxía poética de Manuel Rodríguez López” (2014). This selection was done together with Professor Xesús Alonso Montero (former President of the “Real Academia Galega”)


Other literary activities:

Since 1995, he is member of the jury of the Literary Contest Manuel Oreste Rodríguez López, organised by Paradela town council (Lugo)

He contributes to the blog “Opinión” from GaliciaDigital since December 2011.

He and Antonio Giz are the curators of the Itinerant Exposition “Manuel Rodríguez López, emigrante galego, poeta obreiro”. From August 2013 (date when it started) to December 2019, this itinerant exhibition has been displayed in 47 different locations from Spain and Portugal.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Died at the age of 52, he carried out a very important job of rescuing and disseminating the work of his father Manuel Rodríguez López, considered the best Galician worker poet of the second half of the 20th century.

He promoted Manuel Oreste Rodríguez López Literary Contest, the website manuelrodrí, two itinerant exhibitions on the life and work of his father, and various works on the works of Paradela writer.

The day after his death, the Paradela City Council declared Santiago Rodríguez López as Adopted Son of the municipality.