Manuel Celso Matalobos Cerceda

Category: Professor of Galician Language and Literature
Birth Date: 1st April 1959
Birth Place: Lugo

He teaches Galician Language and Literature at Lucus Augusti Secondary School (Lugo), which he has published many works about: Olladas ó Lucus Augusti (2003), Fornos e alambiques (Da cultura popular ó laboratorio) (2003), Papel e pincel. Pintores e escultores do Instituto de Lugo (2004), Autores do Instituto de Lugo (2005), A Colección de Arte do IES Lucus Augusti (2006), A Voz da Terra. Músicos do Instituto Lucus Augusti (CD, 2006), 40 anos de canción galega no IES Lucus Augusti (DVD, 2007),  Políticos do Instituto  Lucus Augusti (2007), Científicos do Instituto Lucus Augusti (2008), Uxío Novoneyra e o Instituto (2010), Letras no Lucus (DVD, 2010) and O xogo de Lucus Augusto (2010).

He was a Professor of Didactics at the Institute of Education Sciences – University of Santiago de Compostela, provincial coordinator of the Education Reform Cabinet and Galician coordinator of the ‘Dirección Xeral de Política Lingüística’ (Xunta de Galicia).


 Work & Activities

He collaborated in Galician newspapers and literary magazines (Dorna, Grial, Espacios, O Libelo, Fogar de Breogán, Pazo das Musas, Xistral, etc.) and was awarded several literary and didactic prizes: ‘Buril das Letras Galegas’ (Burela, 1986), ‘Grugalma’ (Madrid, 1990), ‘Xunta de Galicia de Materiais Curriculares’ (Santiago, 1992), ‘Rosalía de Castro’ (Cornellá, 1993), etc.

He coordinated the textbooks for ESO and BAC and the collection Cadernos para o ensino. He published several works about Galician writers: Pondal, Cabanillas, Losada Diéguez, Castelao, Risco, Otero Pedrayo, Cunqueiro, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Álvarez Blázquez…and collaborated in the translation of the Codex Calixtinus (2009) into Galician and in Diccionario Galego-Latino, clásico e moderno (2010).

He participated in collective works (Vocabulario Galego de FP; Os escritores lucenses arredor de Fole;  Lingua Galega. Marco curricular; DCB Lingua Galega; Poemas e contos da muralla, Poetas en Lugo; Ronsel, etc.) and individual ones: Lugo e a lírica medieval galego-portuguesa (1985), A natureza en “La hija del mar” (Rosalía de Castro)(1986), Escolma poético-musical galega (1990), Lingua e publicidade (1993), Humorismo e lírica satírica (1996), etc. He also wrote the following poetry books:  Prestixio. Versos sen nicotina (2003), Retratos literarios (2005) and Elementos de arquitectura sentimentalista (2007).