Ricardo Prego

Birth Date: 1955
Birth Place: A Coruña
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He took a degree (1977) and a doctor’s degree (1988) in Chemestry (Inorganic Chemestry) at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Thesis: “Ciclos biogeoquímicos de C, N, P y Si en la Ría de Vigo”, under the direction of Professor Fernando Fraga (CSIC9). Since 1984 he has been a scientist (specialised on Chemical Oceanography) of the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - CSIC), where he is working as a research Professor and directs the Marine Biochemestry Group.
Research lines: land-ocean biochemical exchanges; flows and biochemical process of trace elements and michronutrients in the coastal interfaces; pollution from metals and eutrofization.
He published 197 scientific articles and several book chapters and is a joint author of El Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras: tres décadas de historia de la investigación marina española. He has participated in twenty oceanographic campaings in the North Atlantic and the South Indic and in the Cantabrian, Weddel and White Seas. He has directed five doctoral theses.
He coordinated five multidisciplinary projects and was the main researcher of eleven projects and participant scientist in other fifteen. He coordinated “Influencia del forzamiento meteorológico, geoquímica local y zona estuarica en la hidrodinámica, ciclo biogeoquímico de metales traza y trasporte de plancton en las rías gallegas del norte” (CICYT: 2007-10); “Balance biogeoquímico y modelado 3D del transporte de metales en una ría (CICYT: 2003-06) and “Meso-scale physical and biogeochemical processes in coastal waters of the Russian Arctic” (U.E. INTAS: 1998-2001). Today he is a member of the Spanish Committee of the LOICZ, “Spanish MCS Member of UE Cost Action The ocean chemistry of bioactive trace elements and paleoclimate proxies” and coordinator of the “Cluster Gestión Integral de la Zona Costera del Campus del Mar (UVigo)”. In the last decade he has evaluated scientific articles for 32 international magazines.