Ricardo Conde Salgado

Category: Writer, poet, sociologist
Birth Date: 13th March 1853 (†11th September 1938)
Birth Place: A Coruña

He spent part of his childhood at 'Pazo de Meirás', for his grandfather worked as a steward for the Counts of Pardo Bazán, who were the owners of this 'pazo'. As he was not satisfied with the political situation of that moment, Ricardo Conde travelled to Buenos Aires in 1873. In Argentina he worked in a shop for some time, but he soon gave it up to devote himself to Journalism and Teaching. He collaborated in different newspapers such as La Opinión, El Gallego, El Eco de Galicia or El Correo Español and worked as teacher at the Trading School. He became a member of the Galician Academy.

 Work & Activities

Some of his most important works are Geografía marítima universal y particular de la República Argentina, Chile y Perú, Influencia del descubrimiento de América en el proceso de la civilización, Los Municipios en la América española... He also wrote the poems Judas, Un yankee traducido and Os porcos vencedores about North American intervention at Cuban War.