Ricardo Carballo Calero

Category: Writer
Birth Date: 30th October 1910 (†25th March 1990)
Birth Place: Ferrol

Día das Letras Galegas

He got a degree in Law and Arts at Santiago de Compostela Univedrsity. He taught Spanish Language and Literature at the Secondary School 'Rosalía de Castro' in Santiago. He was the secretary of the Seminary of Galician Studies, a member of the Galician Academy, vice-chairman of the Institute 'Padre Sarmiento' and editor of the literary section at this centre. He got in touch with the members of the group Nós and collaborated in the magazine.

 Work & Activities

POETRY He started his literary production as a poet. Some of his most important poetry books are Vieiros (1931), O silenzo axionallado (1934), Anxo da terra (1950), Poemas pendurados dun cabelo (1952), Salterio de Fingoy (1961). From 1961 to 1980, he published a series of poems, which were divided into three parts: Excalibur, Venusberg and Avalon. Between 1980 and 1985 he wrote Cantigas de amiga e outros poemas. THEATRE Ricardo Carballo Calero was also interested in theatre and published some theatre plays, some of which were performed. Before the Civil War, he wrote O fillo and Isabel in 1945 . He wrote other plays such as A sombra de Orfeo, A farsa das zocas, A arbre, Auto do prisioneiro and Os xefes. NARRATIVE His works in prose were picked up in the volume Narrativa completa, which consists of works like the novel A xente da Barreira and the short narrations Os señores da Pena, O lar de Clara, As pitas baixo a chuvia, Os tumbos, A cegoña and Aos amores serodios. He also wrote Scórpio, which can be considered his masterpiece. Carballo Calero also contributed to Galician culture by means of philological works such as Sete poemas galegos (1955), Aportaciones a la literatura gallega contemporánea (1955), Breviario antológico de literatura gallega contemporánea (1966), Sobre Lingua e Literatura galega (1971), Particularidades morfológicas del lenguaje de Rosalía de Castro (1972), Gramática elemental del gallego común (1974) and Historia de la Literatura Gallega contemporánea (1975).