Ramón Sobrino Buhígas

Category: Naturalist
Birth Date: In 1888 (†In 1946)
Birth Place: Pontevedra

He studied Sciences at Madrid University, where he took his doctor's degree in 1911. That same year he was nominated as Professor of the Faculty of Sciences at Santiago University, combining this office with his work as a teacher at the Technical School until 1913. After working as a Professor of Natural History in Lérida, Majorca and Pontevedra, he studied Odontology in Madrid. In 1931, he moved to Santiago, where he practised this speciality and worked as a teacher of Secondary Education and Professor at University.

 Work & Activities

As a researcher, he published important works such as Estudio sobre los cistolitos (1911), Balaenoptera borealis (1917), La purga de mar o hematotalasia (1918), Réplica a las observaciones del Sr. De Buen (1918) and La dinamita en la pesca (1923). As far as his studies about the Galician engravings on stone are concerned, he published Insculturas galaicas prerromanas (1919), Petroglifos o insculturas rupestres de Pontevedra (1931) and Corpus Petroglyphorum Gallaeciae (1935). Besides, Ramón Sobrino carried out important mineralogical discoveries, as he showed in his work Contribución a la gea de Galicia (1916) and wrote about historical themes in Sobre los orígenes y fundación de Pontevedra and La descendencia de Colón en Pontevedra.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was a member of the Institute of Galician Studies of A Coruña, head of the weather station of Pontevedra, representative of the Seventh International Fishing Conference on behalf of the Spanish Society of Natural History and member of the Galician Academy.