Ramón Armada Teijeiro

Pseudonym: Chumín de Céltigos
Category: Journalist and writer
Birth Date: 14th September 1848 (†1st July 1920)
Birth Place: Ortigueira (A Coruña)

After emigrating to Argentina when he was seventeen, he returned to Galicia and emigrated again to Cuba in 1878, where he married and had children. After the independence of Cuba, he returned to Galicia and lived in Ortigueira for several years, where he worked as judge and secretary of the city council. He also founded the weekly paper El Eco de Ortigueira. In 1909, he travelled to Cuba again and stayed there until his death. He studied Journalism and filled several offices in Galician associations. Besides, he founded the monthly paper A Gaita Gallega.

 Work & Activities

He published the following works in Castilian: Galicia, su agricultura, industria y comercio, Misión del Municipio y su importancia como órgano social, Memorias del Centro Gallego de La Habana, Galicia en 1907-1909, Efemérides de ortigueira y labor moralizadora de las sociedades gallegas en América. In Galician he published the theatre play Non máis emigración (1886) and the poetry books Caldo de grelos (1895), Aturuxos (1898) and Da Terriña (1918).