Antonio Albaladejo Iglesias

Category: Journalist
Birth Date: 20th October 1965
Birth Place: Lugo

He founded the free press in Galicia and edited Primera Edición (1999). He founded and edited Vigovirtual, the first Galician free newspaper (2001-2004) and was editor-in-chief of Diario Qué! Galicia (2004-2009) and (2009). He also worked in El Progreso, Diario de Pontevedra, La Vanguardia, Diario de Pontevedra, Localia Televisión, Cadena Ser and was regional director of Anuntis and Laboris (1995-1999).

 Work & Activities

He wrote over 9.000 articles in press and digital press. He presented radio and TV programmes and has also collaborated in Punto Radio and Televigo.