Rafael Taibo

Birth Place: Ferrol (A Coruña)
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After finishing Secondary Education, he started to study Music in A Coruña and carried out his first theatrical experiences as he founded 'Tal a' Group. He started his radio career in Radio Ferrol and went on in Radio Galicia as he moved to Santiago de Compostela. He studied Law at Santiago University, at the same time he went on with his theatrical activities. Then he moved to Madrid and began to work as an actor in Cadena Ser. He improved his theatrical experience and started his activities on TV, specialising both in advertising and documentary expression. He entered Radio Nacional de España but he gave up to enter UNESCO Club in Madrid, being the president of the club for fourteen years, promoting and directing scientific, educative and cultural activities. In 1978, he re-entered Radio Nacional de España as a musical commentator, being responsible for live musical transmissions in ‘Radio 2 Clásica’.

 Work & Activities

He participated in the following films: 'Viva la clase media' (1980), 'Aquí huele a muerto' (1989), 'El robobo de la jojoya' (1991) and 'Una chica entre un millón' (1993). As a reciter he has taken part in the following plays: Radio Stress, by Miguel Alonso (Italia Prize in 1980), Sin orden ni concierto, by José Luis Turina (Italia Prize in 1983), Pasión según San Marcos, by Tomás Marco, Misa del gallo en la Edad Media, Laudes Creaturarum, by Goffredo Petrassi, Recital poético-coral with Coral Salva de Laredo, Lelio, op. 19b by H. Berlioz, Egmont, op. 24 by L. van Beethoven, Totemtanz, by H. Distler, Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, by M. Ohana, Solimón y la Reina de los Pequeños, by Francisco Cano, Dramas Litúrgicos, with 'Alfonso X el Sabio' Music Group, Getseman, by Gabriel Fernández Álvez, Homenaje a Barbieri, Servicio Sagrado, by E. Bloch, Las Encantadas by T. Picker, La mota de polvo, by F. Palacios, Babar el Elefante, by F. Poulanc, La Noche, by J. de la Vega, Las Baquetas de Javier, by F. Palacios, El aprendiz de brujo, by P. Dukas, Ferdinand el toro, Alan Ridout, Las Siete Palabras de Cristo en la Cruz, by Haydn, Cántico de Mallick, by Jacobo Durán-Loriga, Una velada con H.C. Andersen, El Rey David, by A. Honegger, La Historia del soldado, by I. Stravinsky, Romance y Cantata de La Laguna Negra by Ignacio Nieva, La Peste, by R. Gerhard, Boceto Místico, by A. Náez, Pedro y el Lobo, by S. Prokofiev, Oedipus Rex, I. Stravinski, Iván el Terrible, by S. Prokofiev, Dos Melodramas, by R. Strauss, Los secretos del búho, by D. Basomba, Pablo Neruda regresa a Madrid, Divina Res es musica, Becqueriana, Escrito est en mi Alma, A Garcilaso, recordings for Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library: Lope de Vega, Góngora, Larra... (2003).