After studying Secondary Education at the Seminary of Mondoñedo and ‘Lucus Augusti’ Secondary School in Lugo, he took a degree in Philosophy and Arts (Modern Philology section) at Santiago de Compostela University. Nowadays, he teaches Galician Language and Literature at ‘A Nosa Señora dos Ollos Grandes’ Secondary School in Lugo. He also worked as a teacher at ‘La Merced’ School in Sarria (1977-79) and the old Labour University in Ourense (1979-89). He elaborated the Galician Language and Literature programmes for Vocational Training level (1983) and collaborated as a teacher at the University Institute of Education (Santiago de Compostela University) in the course ‘Didáctica da Lingua Galega na FP’ (1984) and the ‘Dirección General de Política Lingüística’ (1979-89), lecturer in the First Seminar on the Education Reform (Ourense, 1985) and ‘Encontros de Mestres e nas Xornadas sobre Cultura e Lingua Galega’ (Ourense, 1987). He also collaborated as rapporteur in the 19th International Conference on Linguistic and Romanic Philology (Santiago, 1989) and the International Linguistic Conference (Lugo, 2000).
He wrote the following books: Vocabulario Gallego-Castellano (Argos-Vergara, 1984), Diccionario Xerais da Lingua (Xerais, 1986), Pequeño Diccionario Xerais da Lingua (Xerais, 1989), Diccionario Castelán-Galego (Xerais, 1990), Literatura Galega, 3º BUP (Anaya, 1991), Gran Diccionario Xerais da Lingua (Xerais, 2000) and Novo Diccionario Xerais da Lingua (Xerais, 2002). He has published articles in the magazines ‘Grial’, ‘A Trabe de Ouro’, ‘Irimia’, ‘Encrucillada’, ‘Verba’, the old ‘Teima’ and the newspaper ‘El Progreso’, as well as in other collective publications related to his speciality. He translated into Galician Hoxe de hoxe de mil novecentos hoxe by Antoniorrobles, performed by ‘Sarabela’ theatre group (Ourense, 1984).