Paloma Lugilde Rodríguez

Category: Director and actress of Palimoco Teatro
Birth Date: In 1974
Birth Place: Noia (A Coruña)

EDUCATION: 1992-97: Degree in Law, University of A Coruña.
1997-99: MA in Judicial Law, University of Santiago de Compostela.
1997: Introductory and Advanced Course on Galician Language.

2007: III TEATEATRE: “Estudio del Personaje II” with Isabel Úbeda (20 horas), “Voz” with Vicente Fuentes.
Courses: “Situación dramática” and “Estilos Interpretativos” with Quico Cadaval.
2006: Course on puppetry with Isabel Rei and Kukas.
II TEATEATRE: “Voz” (Vicente Fuentes), “Estudio del Personaje” (Isabel Úbeda), “Manipulación de Zancos” (Avelino González), “Corpus I” (Suso Díaz), “Escritura Teatral” (Ángeles Cuña).
Course: “Estudio del Personaje” with Isabel Úbeda, organized by the Galician Association of Amateur Theatre (Fegatea) and Palimoco Teatro.
2005: I TEATEATRE: “El cuerpo de la voz”, “Zancos”, “Estudios del Personaje” and “Stanivslaski”.
Course: “El cuerpo de la voz”, with Vicente Fuentes, organized by the University Theatre and Sarabela Teatro.
Course: “Iluminación Teatral”, with Salvador del Río, organized by the Galician Association of Amateur Theatre (Fegatea) and Palimoco Teatro.
“Da exhibición á creación”, conference organized by Sarabela Teatro.
2004: Course: “Creación del personaje” with Isabel Úbeda, Odin Teatre, Hostelbro (Denmark).
2003: “La orientación y la tutoría en el centro educativo”, organized by FUNDEL.
2002: “Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación”, organized by FUNDEL.
“Trabajo de las acciones físicas”, with Isabel Úbeda, organized by the Galician Association of actors, directors and stage technicians.
2001: “VI Curso Internacional del Comediante. Acciones Físicas en la interpretación” (Norman Taylor) and Clown (Antón Valén). Deposit Art.
“Trabajo de las acciones físicas”, with Isabel Úbeda, organized by the Galician Association of actors, directors and stage technicians.
2000: “Comedia dell’art” with María Torres and Gonçalo Guerreiro, organized by the University of A Coruña.
1997: “II Jornadas Informativas sobre derecho de autor y propiedad intelectual”, organized by Lugo City Council.
1994-1998: She collaborated in the cultural activities organized by the University Theatre Club (seminars, courses, organization…) and participated as an actress in “Títeres sen cabeza”. University of A Coruña.

 Work & Activities

1998-2007 “Palimoco teatro”.
2003-2004 “Cordelia” (University Theatre, Ourense).
1995-1997 “Títeres sen cabeza”.

She has directed Palimoco Teatro since 1998 with the following stagings: “Lorca, Rosalía e outras historia” (1998), “Ensaio xeral” (1999), “Antigona” (2000), “Sopapasaloben” (2001), “Os Miserables” (2002), “Palimocadas” (2003), “As fillas de Eva” (2004) and “O percebe e o pingúin” (2005) Performance.
YOBORDO Collection 2006.
“Da Noite dos investigadores da Xunta de Galicia. Mergullate na ciencia”, performance in the street for TATATA’s advertising campaign (2006).
“Soño dunha noite artesán”, Artesanfroilán 2006.

“Misión Pingúin”. Vai de Camiño (July 2007).
“Caracola Pérdida no Caurel”. Proyecto Letra Viva. Culture and Tourism Office, Lugo City Council and Palimoco Teatro (May 2007).
From 2003 to 2006, she directed the Drama Workshop of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Campus of Lugo) with the following stages:
“Joan” 2004 (it is based on the book “Un canto truncado” by Joan Jara and the text “Gran Tirano” by Claudio Rodríguez Fer), “Estudio teatral Lorca” 2004, “Nai?” 2005 (it is based in the work “A nai de Máximo Gorki”), “KM 526” 2006 (it is based in the text “As Costrureiras” by Claudio Rodríguez Fer).
2006-2007: She directs the Theatre Company of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Campus of Lugo): “O Público” Federico García Lorca 2007.
Since 2005, she has directed UpiasKa Theatre Company: “Berros” (2005) (Study published in “Esperta Zoe”, 2005), “Gheto” Estudio Teatral 2006, “Os miserables” 2007.

2007: -“Campamento de teatro de la Xunta de Galicia”. Lugo.
-“Taller de Arte Dramático de la USC, Lugo”.
-Courses on theatre and dance, Escuela de Arte y Ocio Fingoi.
2006: -“Campamento de teatro de la Xunta de Galicia”, Eijo Garai. Lugo.
-“O teatro afeccionado en Galicia e a práctica teatral na rúa. O aproveitamento escénico de espazos exteriores”, lecture in the summer course of the USC (“O Teatro como Instrumento de Activación do Patrimonio Inmaterial”), Catoira (Pontevedra).
-“Taller de Arte Dramático del Campus de Lugo”, USC.
-“Taller de Teatro en la Escuela”, USC.
2005: -“Taller de Arte Dramático del Campus de Lugo”, USC.
-“Taller de coreografía musical”, Municipal Library, Antas de Ulla.
-“Campamento de teatro de la Xunta de Galicia”, Eijo Garai.
-“O teatro da arte de Moscova” (lecture) USC.
2004: -“Taller de Arte Dramático del Campus de Lugo USC”.
-“Campamento de teatro”, Hermanos Pedrosa Hall of Residence.
-Instructor in the programme “En clave de teatro”.
2003: -“Campamento de teatro de la Xunta de Galicia”, Benigno Quiroga Hall of Residence (Portomarín).
-“Tutora de las Prácticas Escolares 1”, Teaching School of Lugo.
2001: Teacher of dramatization and Legislation, “Bugallo” Leisure School (since 1999).
2000: Theatre instructor, Xunta de Galicia, Summer Campaign.
Theatre instructor, Granja de Barreiros.

From 7th June 2006 up to the moment, she has organized cultural activities in the Campus of Lugo (University of Santiago de Compostela).
Until 2006: -She coordinated cultural activities at “Escuela de Arte y Ocio SL” (from 1st September to 6th June 2006).
-She coordinated the Theatre Group of the University of Santiago – Campus of Lugo (2004-2005), under the direction of Roberto Salgueiro.
-She coordinated “Ciudad de Lugo Theatre Exhibition”, organized by Lugo City Council, organized by Lugo City Council, Fingoi School and University of Santiago de Compostela since the first edition in 2003.
-She coordinated the University Theatre International Festival of the University of Santiago, Campus of Lugo since the 10th edition in 2004, under the direction of Roberto Salgueiro.
-She coordinated and directed the “Teateatre”, organized by Lugo City Council, Escuela de Arte y Ocio y Colegio Fingoi (desde la primera edición en 2005).
-She coordinated “Jornadas Artes Escénicas Fingoi”, organized by Lugo City Council, Fingoi School and the Art and Leisure School since its first edition in 2000).
-Foundation member and director of Palimoco Teatro (since 2000).
Until 2004: From 8th June 2001 to 31st August 2004, she coordinated cultural activities at Fingoi School.
Nowadays, she is responsible for the cultural activities in the Campus of Lugo, University of Santiago de Compostela and coordinates the University Theatre Group.

 Other Interesting Aspects

AWARDS: Second prize at Buero Vallejo Prize for “Gheto” by UpiasKa Teatro. 2007.
Honourable mention to direction and ilumination for “Gheto” at Buero Vallejo Prize 2007.
Honourable mention to “O Público”, XII MITEU. Ourense, April 2007.
Honourable mention to “Km 526”, XI MITEU. Ourense, Abril 2006.
Prize to the best performance for “Nai?” in the fifth edition of Sala Palminero Festival, Valencia, October 2005.
Prize to the best performance and direction for “Joan” in the fourth edition of Sala Palminero Festival, Valencia, May 2005.
Honourable mention to “Nai?”, MITEU. Ourense, April 2005.
Finalist for “As Fillas de Eva” in the programme “Na Vangarda”, Xunta de Galicia, 2004.
Third prize for “Joan” in the programme “Na Vangarda”, Xunta de Galicia, 2004.
Honourable mention to “Joan” for the lyric, body language and the emotion expressed, ninth edition of MITEU, Ourense, May 2004.
“Certame Xuventude de teatro da Xunta de Galicia”, fourth prize, category C for “Estudio teatral de Espantavellas”, 2003.
Prize to the best actress for playing Ariel in the work “A Tempestade” (Achádego Group in collaboration with Palimoco) in the third edition of the Amateur Theatre Exhibition, 2002.
“Certame Xuventude de teatro da Xunta de Galicia”, sixth prize, category C for “Tolkien” Novo Teatro, 2002.
“Certame Xuventude de teatro da Xunta de Galicia”, second prize, category B for “Sueño de una noche de verano” Novo Títere, 2001.
“Certame Xuventude de teatro da Xunta de Galicia”, fourth prize, category A for “Sopapasaloben” Palimoco Teatro, 2001.
“Certame Xuventude de teatro da Xunta de Galicia”, first prize, category A for “Antígona” Palimoco Teatro.