Pablo Ramón Fernández Asensio

Birth Date: 5th April 1957
Birth Place: Foz (Lugo)

After studying Secondary Education, he studied Nautics in A Coruña and graduated as Second and First Class Pilot in the Merchant Navy. He graduated as captain of the Merchant Navy in the Faculty of Nautics (Barcelona) and sailed as a pupil and bridge officer in national and foreign firms (CAMPSA y TRANSMARINE A.P.S.) from 1981 to 1988. He teaches security on board as well as legislation about fishing n courses organised by the Social Institute of Sailormen in Burela and Celeiro. In 1989, he entered the autonomic administration as a civil servant in the ‘Consellería de Pesca, Marisqueo e Acuicultura’. During this period, he gave lectures in the fishermen guilds of Lugo’s coast about security on coastal fishing and complementary norms for boats under 12 m length. In December 1997, he was nominated as delegate of the ‘Consellería de Pesca, Marisqueo e Acuicultura’ in Lugo (he still fills this office nowadays). He participated as a rapporteur in many conferences and debates about fishing. Since 2001, he has been attending meetings and matters related to ICCAT (International Commission for Conserving Activity Time).