Xoán Manuel Pintos Villar

Category: Poet
Birth Date: 16th November 1811 (†29th June 1976)
Birth Place: Pontevedra

In 1825, he started to study Philosophy in Santiago. Between 1829 and 1835 he studied Law. He worked as a lawyer in A Coruña until 1940. It was then that he moved to his native city. In 1841, he married Serafina Amado and had fourteen children. Between 1844 and 1862, he worked as a lawyer in Pontevedra, where he developed a great literary and journalistic activity.

 Work & Activities

Xoán Manuel Pintos was always very worried about the study and recuperation of Galician language. His great poetic activity started in 1844 with the ballad A entrada do Sr Arsibispo cando vinha do seu desterro de Maón. In 1846, he published the poem Contos da aldea in the newspaper El Circulador. In 1853, he published A Gaita Gallega tocada polo Gaiteiro, ou sea Carta de Cristus para ir deprendendo a ler, escribir e falar ben a lengua gallega, e aínda máis. It was written in Galician language, but there were also pages written in Latin and Castilian language. It was divided into seven parts. He also wrote other twenty-two poems that were published in different newspapers such as El País, El Heraldo Gallego, La Caridad, El Desengaño and so on. Besides, he wrote a Brief Galician Dictionary of about 6.000 words.

 Other Interesting Aspects

The Galician Academy dedicated him ?O Día das Letras Galegas? (The Day of the Galcian Letters) in 1975.