Nicanor Rielo Carballo

Pseudonym: R. Lenza
Category: Priest and writer
Birth Date: 22nd March 1932 (†13th March 2000)
Birth Place: Arcos de Frades-Pol (Lugo)

He studied at the Seminary in Lugo and finished his ecclesiastical career at 'León XIII' Social Institute in Madrid, where he took his degree in Social Sciences. After a brief stay in O Courel, as parish priest, he moved to Os Peares to take charge of the religious services, as chaplain, at the hydroelectric company there. The clergy of that area elected him as their representative in the Galician Council and the joint assembly for defending the approach of the Church to the autochthonous culture. He began to collaborate in press very soon. His works were published in the newspapers El Progreso, O Correo Galego and La Región and in magazines such as: 'Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos', 'Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares', 'Kilovatio', 'Unión Fenosa', 'Encrucillada', 'Lucensia', 'Amencer' and 'Irimia'. He wrote about the Romanesque in the province of Lugo (he was an expert in this subject), Ethnography and Lugo's Bibliography.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important works: Refranero popular de Carballedo (Madrid, 1972-75), Galician-Castilian; Inventario Artístico de Lugo y su provincia (with other authors, Madrid, 1975-1983), in Castilian; San Vicente de Pombeiro (Lugo, 1976), in Castilian; Escolma de Carballedo (Vigo, 1976), in Galician; El Libro Lucense (A Coruña, 1982), in Castilian; Dende o meu lar (Lugo, 1995), in Galician and Libros impresos en Lugo (Lugo, 1996), in Galician.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was a member of 'Padre Sarmiento' Institute of Galician Studies (Ethnography section) and 'Museo do Pobo Galego' Foundation and Galician School of Anthropology.