Julio Camba Andreu

Category: Writer, journalist, humourist
Birth Date: 16th December 1884 († 28th February 1962)
Birth Place: Vilanova de Arousa (Pontevedra)

When he was twelve years old, he emigrated to Buenos Aires, where he got in touch with a friend of his father, who was the owner of a large retail store. Shortly after, he began to write articles in newspapers, showing some anarchist ideals. Some years later he came back to Spain. In 1902 he moved to Madrid and works as a typesetter in a newspaper. Then, he started to collaborate in newspapers such as El País, Nueva España, Los Lunes del Imparcial, ABC..., travelling to some countries like Germany, United States, Portugal, Turkey, Greece...

 Work & Activities

His published work is a collection of his journalistic articles. Some of the most important articles are Playas, ciudades y montañas (1916), Alemania (1916), Un año en el otro mundo (1917), La rana viajera (1920), Aventuras de una peseta (1923), Sobre casi todo (1928), Sobre casi nada (1929), La ciudad automática (1932), Haciendo de República (1934), Esto, lo otro y lo de más allá (1945), Etc., etc. (1945), Millones al horno (1960) and Países, gentes y cosas (1964). We must also mention a short narration titled El destierro, published in 1907.