He is the delegate of the newspaper la Voz de Galicia in A Mariña-Asturias.
These are some of his most important poetry books: Como a nudez escura da auga ('Do Castro' Publications), A traxectoria caótica do péndulo (Galaxia) and A palabra soterrada (Espiral Maior). He wrote these poems in Tunis and Algeria and they symbolise the emptiness of the man today. He also wrote some theatre plays: Á alba pide comigo vivir (Xunta de Galicia, finalist at 'Calderón de la Barca' Prize, 1985), Ninguén chorou por nós (County Council of A Coruña, 'Rafael Dieste' Prize, 1998) and 39 veces chao (County Council of A Coruña, finalist at 'Rafael Dieste' prize) and the narrative book Cuba, doce e soturna (Laiovento).