Miguel Anxo Araújo Iglesias

Category: Philosopher, theologian, priest, bishop and writer
Birth Date: 20th January 1920 (†22nd July 2007)
Birth Place: Sabadell - Pereiro de Aguiar (Ourense)

He studied Primary Education in Ourense and Secondary Education and at 'Comillas' Pontifical University in Cantabria. When he was eighteen, he became a soldier in the Spanish Civil War (1938-39). In 1941, he took a degree in Philosophy at 'Comillas' University and in Theology in 1945. That same year he was ordained as a priest and said Mass for the first time in Parderrubias (A Merca) on 29th July 1945. From 1945 to 1970, he worked as a teacher at the Seminary in Lugo and he was also the rector from 1956 to 1966. From 1960 to 1970, he was a canon at Ourense's Cathedral. In 1970, he became bishop of Mondoñedo-Ferrol. From 1958 to 1965, he collaborated in the newspapers 'La Región' and 'La Voz de Galicia'. He was a member of the Episcopal Committees of Secular Apostolate, Means of Social communication and Emigration of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. He was also a member of the Galician Pastoral Council.

 Work & Activities

In 1975, he published Pastoral sobre la Iglesia y la Lengua Gallega. He also wrote the following books: Escritos Cristiáns sobre problemas, Personaxes e conflictos de Galicia, 'Do Castro' Publications, 1987; Palabras para os amigos, 'Padroado Otero Pedrayo' Publications, 1989; Escritos Pastorais, 'Do Castro' Publications, 1990; Oracional Galego, 'SEPT' Publications, 1991; Memoria de Vids, 'Ir Indo' Publications, 1996; Os Bispos de Galicia e o Concilio Vaticano II, 1996; A Merca, Antropoloxía dun Concello Galego, 'Ir Indo' Publications, 1997; San Rosendo, Bispo e Fundador, Parroquia de Celanova, 1999.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got several prizes such as: "Pedrón de Ouro" (1978), member of the Galician Academy (1978), "Castelao medal" (1988), "Galego de hoxe" (1988), "Trasalba Prize" (1989) and "Grelo de Ouro" (1992)