Mercedes Oliveira Malvar

Birth Date: 25th May 1957
Birth Place: Pontevedra

She spent her childhood in Tui. She studied Philosophy and some years later Pedagogy at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she took her doctor’s degree in 1997 with her dissertation "La educación afectivo-sexual en la adolescencia. Epistemología y didáctica de una propuesta".
1995. She was awarded the National Prize of Education and Society for didactic materials of educative innovation for two books: "O animal Humano" and "Eros: Materiais para pensar o amor".
She was the president of the Spanish Federation for Family Planning (a NGO in defence of sexual rights) since January 1998 to 2003. Nowadays she is on the board of directors and represents the organisation abroad.
She teaches Philosophy at Alexandre Bóveda Secondary School in Vigo and years ago she worked at Saturnino Montojo Secondary School (Ferrol - A Coruña), Val Miñor Secondary School (Nigrán – Pontevedra) and Maria Soliña Secondary School (Cangas - Pontevedra).
In 1988 she founded “Enxergo de Didáctica da Filosofía”, a reference group in Galicia in the elaboration of text books, curriculum subjects and teachers education.
She worked as a teacher in the Higher Diploma on Sexual and Reproductive Health in the National Health School (Madrid and Extremadura), in the MA in Gender and Equality Policies (University of Vigo), in the MA in Gender (University of A Coruña) and in the course organized by Leonor Guzmán Gender Chair (University of Cordova).
She usually collaborates with the Teachers Education Centres, giving courses on philosophy, didactics, coeducation, feminism, sexuality, transversality, multiculturalism, violence prevention and bullying.
She collaborated with the Ministry of Education and Science in the elaboration of the “Red Boxes” to design the Philosophy subjects in the new LOGSE Secondary Education.
She wrote the Second Local Plan for the Equality in Opportunities and Treatment of Women from Vigo.
She collaborates in the organization of “Jornadas de Mujeres Vecinales” in Vigo since 1990.
She has been invited by the IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) to participate as a volunteer representative of Spain in matters of sexual rights in IPPF European Network Regional Council Meeting celebrated in Prague, Oslo, Dublin, Rome, Tallinn and Luxembourg.

 Work & Activities

She wrote the following books:
-"La educación sentimental. Una propuesta para adolescentes” (Icaria, 1998).
-“Eros: Materiais para pensar o amor” (Edicións Xerais de Galicia).
-“Aprendendo a ver a desigualdade” and “O corpo como campo de batalla” (Vigo City Council, 2002).
-‘La educación sentimental. Una carencia en el sistema educativo’ in Santos Guerra (coord): “El harén pedagógico. Perspectiva de género en la organización escolar” (Graó, 2000).
-“Platón”, “Animal Humano”, “¿Quen somos?” en Edicións Xerais de Galicia.
-“II Plan Municipal para a igualdade de oportunidades e de trato das mulleres de Vigo (2003-2004)”. (Concellería da Muller, Vigo City Council, 2003).
-‘El cuerpo como campo de batalla. Reflexiones sobre la corporalidad femenina’ in “Congreso Internacional Sare 2005: Niñas son, mujeres serán”, Emakunde, Vitoria-Gasteiz 2006.
-“Non o quero nin pensar... Sobre o abuso sexual infantil e xuvenil”. Festa da Palabra Silenciada nº 23 Especial Violencia. Vigo, Galicia 2007.
-‘Feminismo e sociedade laica’ in “Por umha sociedade laica. Polo nosso direito a decidir”. MNG Mulleres Nacionalistas Galegas, Vigo 2008.

 Other Interesting Aspects

She also wrote articles in specialized magazines, textbooks and didactic materials about Philosophy and Ethics in collaboration with “Enxergo de didáctica de la Filosofía”.