María Xosé Queizán Vilas

Category: Writer
Birth Date: 5th February 1939
Birth Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)

She is a Professor of Galician Language and Literature, writes articles and collaborates in several media. Nowadays, she collaborates in the newspaper La Voz de Galicia with the section 'A rentes de terra'. She edited the cultural feminist magazine 'Festa da Palabra' and the fiction collection written by universal women titled 'As literatas'. She was the founder of the Art and Essay Theatre of Vigo’s Press Association (1959) and founder and director of the Galician popular Theatre. Nowadays, she directs FIGA theatre group and codirects ‘Roizara’ Art Gallery in Vigo.

 Work & Activities

She gave many lectures and poetry reading and published the following novels: A Orella no buraco (Galaxia, 1965), Amantia (Xerais, 1984), O segredo da pedra figueira (Tintimán, 1986), A semellanza (Sotelo Blanco, 1988), The likeness (Peter Lang, New York, 1999), O solpor da cupletista (Nigra, 1995) and Ten o seu punto a fresca rosa (Xerais, 2000). She also wrote the sotries ¡Sentinela Alerta!, Tolería para unha desmitificación, Eros e Tanatos, O tapete de ganchillo and As botas –erotic stories– as well as essays and texts about different themes: (A muller en Galicia, Recuperemos as mans, Evidencias, Escrita da Certeza, Misoxinia e racista na poesía de E. Pondal, Racionalismo político e literario. Conciliar as Ciencias e as Humanidades, A muller galega no ensino, A nova narrativa ou a loita contra o sentimentalismo, Marxismo e feminismo, A ausencia de amor (erótico) na obra poética de Rosalía, A auténtica Rosalía (Unha lectura de musa a literata), O vendedor de alfombras, O que nunca lle dixen a Eduardo Blanco Amor. Homenaxe a Eduardo Blanco Amor, ... She also wrote the theatre plays Antígona. A Forza do sangue (Xerais, 1989) and Parados (1989) and the poetry books Metáfora da metáfora (Espiral Maior, 1991), Despertar das amantes (Espiral Maior, 1993), Fóra de min (Son Galicia, 1994), Catro poemas a Rosalía (Rosalía de Castro Foundation, 1997), Elas (2002) and Non o abras como unha flor (compilation, Xerais, 2004). Besides, she has published many poems in magazines, books and poetical anthologies.

 Other Interesting Aspects

She was nominated as ‘Galega Distinguida’ in 1995 and the Association of Writers in Galician Language awarded her Letter E. A park with her name was inaugurated in Vigo.