María Patrocinio del Carmen Morrondo Pelayo

Pseudonym: Patro
Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: 29th October 1955
Birth Place: León
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-Professor in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Lugo (Department of Investigation and Development of Animal Health - Parasitology and Parasitical Diseases). -Professor of Animal Pathology at Santiago University (1990-2000). From January 1997 to April 2000, he worked at 'Rof Codina' Clinical Veterinary Hospital, in the Service of Parasitology Diagnosis. -From 1981 to 1990, she taught Natural Sciences at 'Ánxel Fole' Secondary School (Lugo). In 1977, she took her degree in the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Leon. -She was a scholarship holder within the Plan of Formation for Research Workers (1978-80). -She took a doctor's degree in Biological Sciences at Leon University (1985) and a degree in the Faculty of Veterinary Science at Leon University in 1977. -She made her doctoral thesis about Veterinary Medicine. Before taking her degree, she collaborated in the Department of Animal Parasitology in the Higher Council of Scientific Investigations and 'López Neira' Institute of Parasitology in Granada. After taking her degree, she collaborated in the Station de Parasitologie del Institut National de la Recherche Agronique (France), the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Faculty of Medicine (Oviedo University), the Institute of Inmunodiagnosis in Parasitology dependent on Pathology: Animal Institute of Health (Oporto - Portugal), Department of Pathology: Animal Health in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (León University) and the Veterinary Department and Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology (Bologna University)

 Work & Activities

-She made her doctoral thesis about Veterinary Medicine. Before taking her degree, she collaborated in the Department of Animal Parasitology in the Higher Council of Scientific Investigations and 'López Neira' Institute of Parasitology in Granada. After taking her degree, she collaborated in the Station de Parasitologie del Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France), the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Faculty of Medicine (Oviedo University), the Institute of Inmunodiagnosis in Parasitology dependent on Pathology: Animal Institute of Health (Oporto - Portugal), Department of Pathology: Animal Health in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (León University) and the Veterinary Department and Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology (Bologna University) She directed five doctoral theses in Veterinary Medicine, one in Pharmacy and ten minor theses in Veterinary Medicine. She also directed research works that were carried out in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Santiago University) by foreign scientists and technologists in Spain and Professors of Parasitology and Parasitical Diseases at the Autonomous University of Mexico. The National Committee (Ministry of Education) that evaluates the investigative activity granted her three periods of six years for research (18 uninterrupted years from 1978 to 1995). She revised national and international magazines and evaluated research projects. She wrote 17 monographs and 40 articles in international magazines, 35 in national ones and 15 divulging articles. She also presented 125 reports in international congresses and 60 in national ones, all of them about Parasitology and parasitical diseases. She collaborated in several projects as research worker and directed six research contracts with firms offering veterinary products (Pfizer, Merial, Pitman Moore) and some institutions such as the County Council of Lugo and the ?Consellería de Sanidade. Her research works are based on the following themes: Lung and intestinal nematodosis in rumiant animals; hypodermosis in cattle, immunity, antigens and vaccines for helminsths in veterinary medicine; helminthosis in dogs and parasites in cymegetic species.

 Other Interesting Aspects

She would like to get in touch with firms and institutions that could be interested in her experience as researcher.