As merchant seaman and naval machinist, he travelled all around Africa, America and Europe during the last years. Owing to his interest for History (he is an autodidact and has knowledge about his native village), he founded “Avante” in 1995. This magazine collected news of the village and developed a didactic activity related to the history of the village. In 2011, he published just a number of this same magazine and made a compilation from 1990 to 2011, collecting history, opinions and interviews.
In 1998, he published “Vilaxoán de Arousa (A realidade dun pobo)”. That same year “O Cancioneiro e o Mar” came out and twenty Galician poets participated in the book. Uxío Novoneyra was one of these poets (this was his last reading before his death). Francisco Fernández del Riego wrote the prologue of the book. In 2001, he published 'Estudio Artístico-Histórico da Igrexa de San Martiño de Sobrán, século XII'. He wrote an extensive biography of a character born in his village titled 'D. Francisco del Valle-Inclán Santos, S.XVIII'.
In 2003, he was invited to write an article in the book "Homenaxe a Borobó" titled "De Vilaxoán a Trevonzos co Touporroutou da Motora". A lot of Galician people collaborated in this books, coordinated by Xoán Guitián and published by Edicións do Castro. In February 2007, he published “Á Beira do mar de Arousa” with a prologue by Raimundo García Domínguez (Borobó) and epilogue by Teo Cardalda Gestoso, musician from Cómplices. Together with Xabier del Valle-Inclán, he published a lot of articles about Ramón del Valle-Inclán in 2012.
He has written articles about the ancestors of Ramón del Valle-Inclán in the magazine ‘Galegos-Gallegos’. Together with Xabier del Valle-Inclán, he wrote a series of passages (some of them unpublished) of two hundred pages that will turn into a book titled "D. Ramón del Valle-Inclán en Arousa: tirando do chicote".
He published opinion and historic articles in A Peneira, El Correo Gallego, La Voz de Galicia, Faro de Vigo and Ideal Gallego. Nowadays, he writes opinion articles in Diario de Arousa and Galicia Dixital.
He was a member of the PCG in Vigo and Vilagarcía from 1972 to 1980.