-ESL ‘English as a Second Language’ in the Houston Community College, Houston (USA).
-“CAP” in the University of A Coruña.
-Bachelor of Fine Arts (University of Vigo).
-Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties (Pontevedra).
She was awarded ‘Ruta Quetzal’ grant, the 1st price of "Novos Valores 04" Sculpture Contest and the 1st price of “Gzcrea 06” Plastic Art Contest (Xunta de Galicia). She mainly works with sculpture, intervention and drawing in collective and individual exhibitions but she considers the “performance art” as her main artistic trajectory. She considers the “performance art” as a mixture of sculpture, body and conceptual art. He lives and work between Spain and Texas (USA).
-2008: "Hairy Situations" Exhibition at Mari Ari (showroom), Houston - USA.
-2007: "Hairy Situations" Exhibition at Hans Payan Art Gallery, Houston - USA.
-2009: “Marxes e mapas” (A creación de xénero en Galiza), Isaac Díaz Pardo Gallery, Galician Auditorium (Santiago de Compostela).
-2008: “Sobre o espazo infinito: a creación ao redor do mar”, Palexco showroom (A Coruña).
-2007: Aveiro International Biennial Exhibition (Portugal) and 8th edition of Pintor Laxeiro Biennial Exhibition, Lalín (Pontevedra).
-2006: “20 años de Ruta Quetzal”, BBVA Gallery (Madrid), “V Certamen de Artes Plásticas”, County Council (Ourense), “XV Certamen de Dibujo”, Gregorio Prieto Foundation and “Obra Social CajaMadrid”, Museo de la Ciudad (Madrid and Valdepeñas -Ciudad Real), “XI Mostra Artxove” (Pontedeume - A Coruña), “Movement”, “Outro” grup, Carmen Estévez Auditorium (Villalba – Lugo) and “IX Mostra Internacional Unión FENOSA”, MACUF (A Coruña).
-2005: “IV Certamen de Artes Plásticas”, County Council (Ourense), 7th edition of Pintor Laxeiro International Biennial Exhibition, Ramón Mª Aller Museum (Lalín – Pontevedra), KALDARTE 05. “Intervenciones Artísticas en Espacio Público. Festival: Cultura Quente” (Caldas de Reis – Pontevedra), “A Paisaxe Reinventada”, the results of the Land Art workshops, Pazo de Mariñán (Bergondo - A Coruña) and X Mostra Artxove (Pontedeume - A Coruña).
-2004: “Novos Valores 04”, Plastic Arts Contest (Museum of Pontevedra), 7th edition of ‘A Solaina’ International Plastic Art Workshop, Ramón Mª Aller Museum (Lalín – Pontevedra), 2nd prize of Conxemar, 04 Plastic Art Contest, Caixanova Gallery (Vigo – Pontevedra), “XIV Certamen Nacional de Dibujo”, Gregorio Prieto Foundation Museum (Valdepeñas - Ciudad Real) and Museo de la Ciudad (Madrid, 2005).
-2009: FEM 09, “6º Encuentro internacional de mujeres en el arte de acción”, La Merce Cultural Centre (Girona), AccionMad, “Encuentros Internacionales de Arte de Acción”, Fine Art Circle (Madrid) and Art d’Accció, Centre of Contemporary Culture (Valencia).
-2008: “Arte no Parque”, 3rd edition of Performances Cycle, CGAC (Santiago de Compostela) and Palexco showroom, Video performance (A Coruña).
-2007: Performance during the inauguration of Gzcrea, Auditorium (Pontevedra) and Zone 9, International Video Art Festival (Chile).
-2006: “Contenedores. 6ª Muestra Internacional de Arte de Acción” (Seville), “eBent. Festival de hechos Performáticos”, Santa Mónica Art Centre and La interior Bodega Gallery (Barcelona), “Conjunction, Transposition”, a Contemporary Art Exhibition in London - Birmingham – Store (UK), “IMAN. (Intermedia Multimedia Accâo e Nada)”, Casa das Artes, Vila Nova de Famalicâo (Portugal), “XXIII Mostra Internacional de Teatro Gallego”, Auditorium, Cangas (Pontevedra), “Vídeo Bardo: II Festival de Vídeopoesía Internacional”, (Barcelona - Caixa Forum and Cyberpoem, Quilmes - Zona de Arte, Buenos Aires - Espacio Giesso and Cultura Media in CC San Martín. Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and Toronto - Alucine. Gijón - Óptica. Berlin - Zebra Poetry Film. Aix en Provence, France - Instans Video), “Coordinates” Airspace. Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire (UK), COSMAC, performance at the Music Conservatoire (A Coruña) and Gresolart. Festival d’Art Contemporani. La Bisbal d’Empordá (Girona).
-2005: “Príncipe 54”, Projects of the Performance Workshop directed by Adriano and Fernando Guimarâes, MARCO (Vigo), ICAW. Harlech Biennale, performances in Lasynys Fair, Wales (UK), “IMAN. Intermedia Multimedia Accâo e Nada”, Salón Olímpico e Espacio Artes Múltiplas (Porto – Portugal), “Chámalle X”, 2nd Conferences on Action Art, Faculty of Fine Arts (Pontevedra) and eBent, International Performance Festival at Espai Jove Boca Nord (Barcelona).
-Ruta Quetzal & BBVA.
-Pontevedra Provincial Council.
-“A Solaina” Museum Foundation, Vila de Cruces (Pontevedra).
-Sargadelos Historical Museum, Cervo (Lugo).
-ICAW. Harlech. Wales (United Kingdom).
-Dirección Xeral de Xuventude e Solidariedade, Xunta de Galicia.
-Hans Payan Art Gallery. Houston, TX.
-“Arquivo documental da arte galega. Patrimonio documental e bibliográfico”, Pontevedra County Council.