Manuel Amor Deus

Birth Date: In 1941 (†26th June 2007)
Birth Place: Ferrol (A Coruña)

He entered the famous Working School as an apprentice when he was fourteen. He was a great handball placer and was very popular among the workers of his generation. He was one of the historic leaders of the revolt against Franco’s dictatorship in Ferrol on 10th March 1972. After spending four years in prison, he was set free with the transition. Once CC.OO was legalized, he was elected first general secretary of the Galician National Syndicate.

 Work & Activities

The revolt of the workers of Bazán (now Navantia) had three great leaders: Rafael Pillado, José Mª Rioboó and Amor Deus. Once he got ill, he fought for the rights of those affected by asbestos and the dictatorship’s victims.