Manoel Riveiro Loureiro

Category: Writer
Birth Date: 22nd April 1933 (†15th January 2009)
Birth Place: A Coruña


His father died when he was three (his mother was always whispering: 'he did not die, he was murdered'). When he was ten he left school and started to work as an errand-boy in a dressmaking shop. Then he began to earn two pesetas a day working as an assistant of a coalman and later, he worked at sea. He travelled to Uruguay but he left in March 1973, just on time to run away before the coup d'etat.

 Work & Activities

He started to publish works after his emigration. These are some of the most important ones: Pola ida e pola volta, (novel about emigration); A Vinga (drama); A moa (Manichean novel); As cereixas (Memories of a child in Russia); O Coronel ten a quen lle escribir (a drama against the coup d'etat); O patrón (biography of a seaman); Caladamente (stories); O peixoto (novel for children); As trazas do demo (police plot); Corpo canso (about the life and fight of the disabled); A primeira pedra (a book for children); O prazo (theatre play against terrorism); A volta de Castelao (a pitiless farce about Castelao's return); Benvidos (a book for children) and Sabotaxe na Estaca de Bares (this book for children is about a great anti-imperialist feat).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is married to Encarna and has four children and three granddaughters. The dictionary by Francisco del Riego says about him: 'He cultivates both narrative and theatre. He got prizes in literary contests and published many books as he is a prolific writer'.