Mª Fe Quesada Rodríguez

Category: Child-book illustrator and poster designer.
Birth Date: 7th September 1957
Birth Place: Zamora

He was a pioneer in book illustration in Galician language. In 1992, 1994 and 1996, she was selected as one of the best Spanish illustrators in the International Illustration Biennial of Bratislava. In 1998, she was selected as representative of the Galician porch 'Galicia para el Mundo' in the International Illustration Biennial of Bologna and member of the honour list in the Third National Prize of Illustration. 1992: she got a prize at the exhibition 'Artistas Noveles Gallegos'. 1983 and 1984: she got a prize at the exhibition 'Arte Xoven de Galicia'. 1961: First National Prize of Child Painting. 1986: she was selected for the Illustration Exhibition of 'Catalonia' International prize. She was honoured in the magazine 'Clij', specialized in Literature, for his work as illustrator of child books. She designed and organized the Campaign for Reading Promotion, favoured by the Xunta de Galicia in 2000. She illustrated about a hundred books for children and young people and about ten textbooks. His works were published in the publishing houses 'SM', 'Galaxia', 'Santillana', 'Obradoiro', 'Voramar', 'Edebé', 'Xerais', 'Casals', 'Bruño', 'Everest', 'Edelvives', Ceac and 'Dirección Xeral de Turismo' (Xunta de Galicia).

 Work & Activities

Published books: -Os Enredos de Olalla. -Adiviñas. -As Cinco Amigas. -Xogos Infantís (?Montaña Encantada? Collection, Everest- Galicia). -Los cuentos de Maricastaña (?Ceac? Publications) -El Gato que quiso volar alto (?Montaña Encantada? Collection, Everest). -Manual para una Pequeña Bruja (?Tucán? Collection, Edevé). -A Nena Branca de Vilamaxín. -Dos Dragones Bailarines. -Tulinet- las Siete Vidas del Gato (?Ala Delta? Collection, Edelvives). -Cincenta, Pinocho (?Arbore? Collection, Galaxia). -Cantarolas (?Merlín? Collection, Xerais). -El Collar del Rey. -Bigote Blanco- Bigote Negro (?Altamar? Collection, Bruño). -A Serea do Deserto (?Alfagüara? Collection, Obradoiro- Santillana) She collaborated with the magazines 'Ciudadano' and 'Clij' and the newspaper Faro de Vigo. She is a member of the provisional board of directors of the future Association of Galician Illustrators.