Luis Sendón

Category: Illustrator / Graphic Designer
Birth Date: January 1981
Birth Place: A Coruña



-Degree in Illustration at Pablo Picasso Art School.
-Expert on offset printing, Calvo Sotelo School.
-Studies on Photography and Graphic Design.

 Work & Activities

2009: “Corresponsabilidade vol.1 e vol. 2” (comic), City Council of A Coruña.
2008: "Axenda´08 de corresponsabilidade no eido local". City Council of A Coruña.
2006: "38” (comic), with Álvaro López. Polaqia.
2005-2006: "Cóntrola vol.1 e vol.2" (comic), with Diego Cedrón. Xunta de Galicia.
2005: “Hércules e Xerión". Baia Edicións.
2003: “Adeliña”. Ourense County Council.
2003: “La cocina de Picadillo & Pardo Bazán”. Hércules de Ediciones.
2003: “Galicia de conto”. Hércules de Ediciones.
2002: “Unha soa bágoa”. Hércules de Ediciones.

 Other Interesting Aspects

2006: Together with Álvaro López, he was awarded the second prize at the Comic Contest in Cangas (Pontevedra).
2005: Together with Álvaro López, he was awarded the prize for the Poster of the Festivities of San Xoán (Carballo).
2005: Together with Álvaro López, he was awarded the first prize at O Alfaiate Comic Contest in A Coruña.
2004: He was awarded the tirad prize at the 9th edition of the Comic Contest in Arteixo (A Coruña).
2003: He was awarded Pura and Dora Vázquez Illustration Prize. Ourense County Council.