After taking a degree in Law at Santiago de Compostela University, he practised from 1979 to 1993. His political career goes back to his activity as councillor (1983 - 1987) and Mayor in his native village (1987-1990). Then he became a member of the Galician Parliament until May 1996. He worked as an adviser of the 'Conselleiro de Ordenación do Territorio, Obras Públicas e Vivenda' and was the president of 'SOGAMA' (1995-1996). From 1989 to 1995, he was the president of the political party 'Partido Popular' in Tui and took charge of the 'Consellería de Xustiza, Interior e Relacións Laborais' in December 1993 until May 1996. It was then that he was nominated as representative of the Spanish Government in Galicia. Afterwards, he was 'Conselleiro de Relacións Institucionais' without portfolio and 'Conselleiro de Agricultura' in the Xunta de Galicia.