After studying in Madrid, where he read his doctoral thesis on Medieval History in 1945, he completed his education at Heidelberg University (Germany) with two great German historians: Conze (Social History) and Kosselleck (Conceptual History). In the 70’s he moved to Santiago de Compostela to works as a Professor at Santiago University. Some years later, he left the University of Santiago de Compostela and moved to Zaragoza University as a Professor of Contemporary History.
He participated in “Nacionalismo e Historia”, a collective book published by Carlos Forcadell at Fernando el Católico Institution, Zaragoza (1998), “Seis lecciones de historia”, Fernando el Católico Institution, Zaragoza (2003) and together with Carlos Forcadell, he published “Usos públicos de la historia: ponencias del VI Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea”, Zaragoza University (2002). He also wrote “Razones de historia. Estudios de Historiografía” (1955) and many articles.