José Manuel Blanco Prado

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Date: 14th April 1950
Birth Place: A Coruña


He took a degree in Philosophy and Arts and a doctor's degree in History at Santiago University. Nowadays, he teaches Philosophy at 'Xoán Montes' Secondary School in Lugo. Together with Fernando Arribas Arias, he founded 'Carboeira Project' for cataloguing all the stonecrosses ('cruceiros') in Terra Chá (Lugo). He is a foundation member of the association 'Amigos do Conxunto Histórico-Artístico de Sargadelos' and attends conferences and symposia related to Anthropology and Ethnography. He collaborates in several magazines ('Anuario Brigantino', 'Boletín do Museo Provincial de Lugo', 'Croa', 'Estudios Mindonienses', 'Etnografía', 'Galicia Encantada', 'Lucensia' and 'Lucus') with articles related to Anthropology, Art, Ethnography and History.

Since 2009 he has been coordinating and collaborating in 'Etnografía', a digital magazine linked to "Mesón do Forno".

 Work & Activities

He is the author of the following books: As Romaxes da Terra Chá (1982), Religiosidad popular en el municipio de Begonte (1991) and Exvotos e rituais nos santuarios lucenses (1996). Together with other authors, he published: Begonte, pasado y presente, Alvarellos Publications (Alvarellos, 1987), Cruces e cruceiros do municipio de Begonte (Lugo County Council, 1988); Catálogo de cruceiros de Castro de Rei e Outeiro de Rei, (1998), Guitiriz (1999), Begonte, Cospeito e Rábade (2000), A Pastoriza (2002), Xermade (2004), Abadín (2007) and Muras (2009) and Vilalba (2011), I.E.S.CH (2009). He was also a joint author of Tempos de Festa en Galicia (3 volumes; Caixa Glicia Foundation) and carried out three exhibitions about Carnival in Lugo at Mesón do Forno and the Museum.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded several prizes such as the prize at the ninth edition of Terra Chá Literary Contest (1972), 'Manuel Mato Vizoso' Journalism Prize (1982 and 1984) and Caldaloba Research Prize (1999) and the distiction 'Milagrosista 1997'.