She graduated in Educational Sciences and is an expert on Preschool Education and French Philology. She worked as a teacher in several towns and villages of Lugo, where she learnt the lively reality of Galicia and developed a clear sensitiveness and perception. Her daily tales and stories for her preschool pupils made her develope her imagination to write a simple-language prose.
In addition to her activity as a columnist in El Correo Gallego, she collaborates on several occasions in the newspapers El Progreso and La Voz de Galicia (in the section ‘Relatos de Verán’). She wrote the novels: "Viudas de vivos", "Buceando en el pasado", "Hijos del poder", "Égida", "Ninguén suspira por ela", in Galician and Castilian, "Era no era" and "Escoitar o silencio". Her most recent works are "Los amigos lejanos" and "Cuentos de pocas lunas", tales book for children.
Besides, she gave speeches in several villages of Lugo and collaborated as a speaker and presenter of humanitarian and cultural events.
On 8th september 2006, the Foro Universitario Europeo Reyes Católicos gave her the Gold Medal to the literary work.
She was awarded other distinctions, such as the Gold Medal of the Red Cross and the Shell of the ‘Enxebre Orde da Vieira’ and was elected ‘Dama de la Serenísima Orden de la Alquitara’ and ‘Dama de la Orden del Camino de Santiago’. She is married to Víctor Manuel Vázquez Portomeñe and has three children.