Jose-Reinaldo Pol García

Pseudonym: Montefurado e Algazul
Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: 24th September 1953
Birth Place: Alcalá de los Gazules (Cádiz)


He worked as a teacher at 'S. José del Valle' School (Jerez), 'Alfonxo XI' School (Algeciras), 'Maestre Juan González' School (Los Barrios), 'Almanzor' School (Algeciras), 'Juan Sebastián Elcano' School (Algeciras), 'Virgen de Guadalupe de Palmones' School (Los Barrios), 'Juan Ramón Jiménez' School (a centre for adults) in Algeciras and 'Montefurado' School (Quiroga). Nowadays, he is working at the Public School of Quiroga (Lugo).

 Work & Activities

He has collaborated with articles in several newspapers and coordinated and presented the programme ?Ventá Literaria? in the radio station 'Radio Quiroga'. He has published the following books: O grupo ecolóxico escolar, Cartas a mi entorno, Macedonia Estacional, Mis comentarios con el Sil, Petalos de amor, Ramillete de Poesiprosa, Mis campañas educativas en el sur, Escola de montefurado and Un libro pechado. He founded the magazines 'Hojas de Olivo' and 'Trevo Poético Quirogués' and the poetry group 'Arco da Vella de Quiroga'. He organised the conferences 'I Encontros poéticos na vila de Quiroga' and 'I Encontros de xornalistas ecolóxicos'. He collaborates in several Galician and Andalusian newspapers and magazines about environment.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got the following prizes: 'Penas de Rodas' Ecological Journalism Prize (Outeiro de Rei - Lugo), 'José y Jesús de las Cuevas' Prize (Arcos de la Frontera - Cádiz), 'Fernández Tojal de UGT' Journalism Prize (Ourense) and second prize at 'Cartas de Amor' contest in Tarifa (Cádiz). He won 'Eirexalba' Literary Contest (O Incio - Lugo) on two consecutive editions and 'Pedaleando' Ecologist Contest (Xevale - Monforte). He also got an honourable mention at Pontevedra's Museum and honourable mention for his journalistic works about Christmas in Begonte (2009).