Xosé Otero Canto

Category: Teacher and poet
Birth Date: 6th June 1951
Birth Place: Ponte de Outeiro, Castro de Rei (Lugo)


He studied Secondary Education at Lucus Augusti Secondary School in Lugo and finished Teaching in 1967. In 1975, he took a degree in Spanish Philology (1970-1975) in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at the University of Santiago de Compostela. From 1977 to 1979, he worked as a teacher at Fingoi School (Lugo). After being successful in a public competition in 1979, he worked as a teacher at several centres and held several offices. He collaborated as a teacher at the Institute of Education Sciences and at the Centre for Teacher’s Education in Lugo. He taught Spanish Language and Literature at "Lucus Augusti" Secondary School (Lugo).

 Work & Activities

Poetry books:

2006. "Salaios da Chaira", Manuel María Foundation (Lugo)
2008. "Arelas de prata e soños", IESCHA (Lugo)
2010. "Miño, río pai e amigo", Manuel María Foundation.
2010. "Guía poética da muralla de Lugo", Lugo City Council (Lugo)
2010. "Outono, mancebo céfiro de ás ergueitas", Espiral Maior (A Coruña)
2010. "Poemas da cidaade", Ed. Follas Novas. Libros da Frouma (Santiago de Compostela)
2012. "Poética da viaxe", IESCHA (Lugo)
2013. "Nenias Chairegas", Alvarellos Ed. (Santiago de Compostela)

 Other Interesting Aspects


2007. "XXXIII Certame Literario Concello de Vilalba" (second prize)

2008. "XXXIV Certame Literario Concello de Vilalba" (first prize)

2008. First prize at the 17th edition of “A Pipa” Literary Contest.

2009. "XXXIII Certame Nacional de Poesía sobre o Nadal", Begonte - Lugo (first prize)

2009. "XXXV Certame Literario Concello de Vilalba" (second prize)

2009. Second prize at the 18th edition of “A Pipa” Literary Contest.

2010. "XXXIV Certame Nacional de Poesía sobre o Nadal", Begonte - Lugo (first prize)

2010. First prize at the 4th edition of “Terras de Chamoso” Poetry Contest.

2011. Honourable mention at the International Poetry and Short Story Contest, organized by Rosalía de Castro Cultural Centre in Buenos Aires.

2011. Second prize at the 11th edition of “Anduriña Voandeira” Poetry Contest (Bilbao)

2011. First prize at the 5th edition of “Terras de Chamoso” Poetry Contest.

2011. Second prize at the 20th edition of “A Pipa” Literary Contest.

2012. "XXXVI Certame Nacional de Poesía sobre o Nadal", Begonte - Lugo (second prize)

2012. Accesit at the 17th edition of Manuel Orestes Rodríguez López Literary Contest, Paradela (Lugo)

2012. "XXXVIII Certame Literario Concello de Vilalba" (second prize)

2013. "XXXVII Certame Nacional de Poesía sobre o Nadal", Begonte - Lugo (first prize)

2013. Honourable mention at the 18th edition of Manuel Oreste Rodríguez López Literary Contest, Paradela (Lugo)