-Degree in Medicine and Surgery (1970).
-Specialist in Anaesthesia, Reanimation and Pain (1973).
-Doctor’s degree in Medicine (1975).
-Graduate in Business Medicine (1976).
-Graduate in Acupuncture and Pain (1981).
-Specialist in Internal Medicine (1983).
-Specialist in General Medicine in the European Union (1995).
-Graduate in Health Management (1991).
-Vice Chancellor of the University Community and Social Commitment of the University of Santiago de Compostela since 2006 up to date.
-Professor of Geriatrics and Gerontological Nursing at the University of Santiago de Compostela since 1991 up to date.
-Coordinator of the official postgraduate programme in Gerontology: MA in Social Gerontology, USC (2006-2007).
-Director of Gerontology, a degree of the University of Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, implemented for the first time in the Spanish University (2000-2006).
-Director of a Doctoral Program in Gerontology, USC (2000-2007).
-Director of a Doctoral Program in Clinical and Social Gerontology, USC (1998-2000).
-Director of the Galician Gerontological Institute since 1992 up to date.
-Director of the Fourth University Cycle (1997-2006).
-Director of the MA in Clinical and Social Gerontology, USC (1998-2000).
He attended over fifty national and international specialization courses regarding Gerontology and health.
Gerontology: Clinical, psychosocial and experimental Gerontology; active ageing; social welfare and life quality and full gerontological valuation. Sixteen doctoral theses came out from these scientific lines.
He is the main author of over forty monographs and books: “Tratado de Actividad Física y Ocio para la Tercera Edad”, Gráficas Garabal (1996), “El Estado de Bienestar Social. Estrategias para el Siglo XXI”, Editorial 9, SL (1998), “Cuidadores de Ancianos”, Ediciones Sega (2000), “Auxiliares de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica”, Ediciones Sega (2000), “Gerontología Social”, Ediciones Sega (2000), “Longevidad y Salud”, Ediciones Sega (2001), “Musicoterapia Gerontológica (Técnica Psicomotriz)”, Ediciones Sega (2001), “Intervención Gerontológica”, Ediciones Sega (2002), “Actividad Física y Ocio para Personas Mayores”, Ediciones Sega (2002), “Actividad Física y Ocio en Gerontología”, Ediciones Sega (2002), “Gerontología Gallega en Cifras”, Ediciones Sega (2003), “Gerontología Clínica”, Ediciones Sega (2003), “Biogerontología”, Ediciones Sega (2003), “Terapéutica Gerontológica”, Ediciones Sega (2003), “Dirección y Gestión Gerontológica”, Ed. Sega (2003), “Actividad Física y Ocio en Gerontología II: Aplicaciones prácticas”, Ed. Sega (2003), “Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio”, Ediciones Sega (2004), “Servicio Gerontológico de Ayuda a Domicilio”, Ediciones Sega (2004), “Actividades y ejercicios físicos básicos para mejorar la calidad de vida del mayor” (2004), “Enfermería en Cuidados Sociosanitarios”, Editorial DAE (2005) and “¿Qué es el Parkinson? Guía de tratamiento para el lenguaje, el habla y la voz”, Ed. Pirámide (2005).
-He got eight research projects subsidized by different national, regional and European announcements (Comett programme).
-Form master of “Xuventude con Experiencia”, a programme subsidized by the ‘Consellería de Emprego, Muller e Xuventude’.
-Director of the Virtual Degree in Gerontology, a project subsidized by the University of Santiago de Compostela (2001-03).
He is the author of over seventy lectures, sixty reports and a hundred papers for different regional, national and international conferences.
He organised, directed and gave over sixty courses and seminars for different health and social professionals related to Gerontology.
He has been awarded many prizes from academic and scientific institutions:
-Prize for ‘La Musicoterapia como técnica psicomotriz en el anciano’ in the 5th Conference of the Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (Canary Islands).
-Prize of the 4th International Conference on Estomatology.
-Beltrán Báguena Prize of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (best publication of the year).
-Prize of the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology for ‘El perfil del cuidador familiar del enfermo de Alzheimer en la Comunidad Autónoma Gallega’.
-Special prize to papers in the second meeting of the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
-Prize to the best Galician oral paper of the social field at the 18th Meeting of the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology and 5th Conference of the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
-Prize of the Galician society of Geriatrics and Gerontology to the best clinic oral paper.
-Prize of the Galician society of Geriatrics and Gerontology to the best social oral paper of the 6th conference.
-Cabaleiro Goás Prize, Medical Association (Ourense).
-Prize of the Second Photographic Contest of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontological Nursing.
He is a member of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, the Spanish Society of Rural Medicine, the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Galicia and Asturias, the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, the Galician Gerontological Institute, the Spanish Society of Acupuncturist Doctors and the World Union of Writer Doctors.
-Ex councillor and deputy mayor of Santiago de Compostela (Health and Social Services Department).
-Founder of the UMAD.
-Vice secretary of the Sectorial Action of the PP in Santiago de Compostela.
-Ex member of the consultative council of the Galician PP.
-Member of the National Commission of the IMSERSO of the action plan (2000-2005) for the old people.
-Provincial executive secretary (A Coruña).
-Deputy of the Galician Parliament, representing the PP Turing the 6th session.
-Member of the Health, Social Policy and Employment Commission.
-Member of the CRTVG Commission.
-Vice secretary of Institutional Relations of the PP in Santiago de Compostela.
-Member of the provincial board of directors of the PP (A Coruña).
-Member of the Galician board of directors of the PP.