After graduating as a technical agricultural engineer at the University College of Madrid in 1962, he began to work two years later as a civil servant, collaborating in the old Land Consolidation Service. Two years later, he entered the Corps of Agronomists in Valladolid and moved to Lugo in 1970. From 1970 to 1989, he worked in the Rural Development Section as responsible for the technical and economical aids for rural development areas. On 1st July 1982, he was transferred to the Galician Autonomous Region as a technical agricultural engineer in the Agricultural Structure Service of the ‘Consellería de Agricultura’ and six years later was nominated as head of the Consolidation Team responsible for the Technical and Economical Aid Section. From 1st June 1989 to 18th April 1992, he filled the office of delegate of the ‘Consellería de Agricultura’ in Becerreá (Lugo), coordinating the works of all the services in the High Mountain Area as well as the Agriculture School in Becerreá, where he gave courses to incorporate young people to the agricultural business. On 18th May 1992 he was elected head of the Contraction and Subsidy Service, dependent on the provincial delegation of the ‘Consellería de Presidencia y Administración Pública’ in Lugo. On 11th October 1994, he was nominated as head of the Coordination Service for the Administrative Reform. He was the provincial delegate of the ‘Consellería da Presidencia e Administración Pública’ in Lugo.
He has attended several courses on administrative procedure, administrative contraction, computer formation for users of the general system of administrative procedures, general service inspection and courses on Galician language. Besides, he got the diploma for directors of the Xunta de Galicia.